Parse build blocks in HTML to return a mapping from destination file to array of input files. Intended for use in combination with gulp-replace-build-block, gulp-filter and gulp-concat to provide useref like behaviour in gulp.
Inspired by the gulp-useref plugin, but with a signifigantly different design to provide greater modularity and streaming support.
npm install --save-dev html-build-blocks
The following example will parse HTML build blocks and use the returned map to create a gulp pipeline for concatination of those blocks. Note, this example doesn't order the files, they are concatenated in the order gulp loads them. To ensure ordering them simply add gulp-order to the pipeline.
var gulp = require('gulp'),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
filter = require('gulp-filter'),
buildblocks = require('html-build-blocks');
gulp.task('default', function () {
var blocks = buildblocks.parseBlocks('html/**/*.html'),
p = gulp.src(['/css/**/*.css', '/js/**/*.js']),
add_block_pipe = function(path, asset_paths) {
var f = filter(asset_paths),
r = f.restore();
p = p.pipe(f).pipe(concat(path)).pipe(r)
Object.keys(blocks).forEach(function() {
add_block_pipe(path, blocks[path])
return p.pipe(gulp.dest('dist'));
Blocks are expressed as:
<!-- build:<type> <path> -->
~ script tags or link tags ~
<!-- endbuild -->
- type: either
- path: the file path of the optimized file, the target output
Takes a glob or array of globs. Returns a mapping of destination paths to arrays of source files.
buildblocks.parseBlocks(['html/**/*.html','error/404.html']) ==
'css/index.css': ['/css/this.css', '/libs/that.css', ...],
'js/index.js': ['/js/one_thing.js', '/libs/another_thing.js', ...],
'js/404.js': ['/js/warning.js', ...],
MIT © Nils Lundquist