Patch to modify GoZ to work over commandport and ssh to communicate between OSX (zbrush) and Linux (maya)
files go /Users/Shared/Pixologic/ for OSX and in can be loaded as a Maya shelf for Linux (maya)
A network projects folder should be setup ex. /your/network/share/goz_artistname/
This folder must contain, a GoZBrush folder, GoZBrush/GoZ_Applicaiton.txt, GoZBrushFromMaya.mel, GoZBrushToMaya.mel
*public RSA ssh keys are needed for this to work,
they can be made via ssh-keygen -t rsa, ssh-add,
and then appended to .ssh/authorized_keys (cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys)
*this requires a standard install of GoZ on OSX, that is setup to work with maya
1.setup ssh pub key and add it to the linux machine
2. create a goz_name folder on a network share
3. move /Users/Shared/Pixologic to Pixologic_bk
5. clone the repo to /Users/Shared
6. symlink the repo to Pixologic
7. copy into the repo/GoZApps/Maya/ folder (this a standard goz *.app file I cant redistibute it)
8. modify values in GoZ.cfg and GoZ_Config.txt to match your install
9. copy,, GoZ_Application.txt, GoZ_Config.txt, and the /Scripts folder from the Pixologic_bk
10. modify GoZ_ProjectPath.txt to match your network project folder
Note: GoZBrushToMaya.mel is still used and must be available to the linux machine
- setup ssh pubket and add it to the osx machine
- add to your maya shelf
- copy GoZBrushFromMaya.mel and GoZBrushToMaya.mel to your network project (from Pixologic_bk)
- modify the 'GoZPublicPath' to your network path (in both mel scripts)
- create a GoZBrush folder in your network directory with GoZ_ProjectPath.txt, and GoZ_Application.txt (project path file should contain linux paths)
- place in the network project