My personal NixOS configuration files.
- OS: NixOS
- Color Scheme: Catppuccin Macchiato
- Desktop Environment: GNOME
- Terminal: Kitty
- Shell: Bash
- IDE: Neovim
- Browser: Firefox
- Smarter cd: zoxide
- Status Bar: polybar
- Install NixOS GNOME with nktfh100 as the username.
- Create a nix shell with git package
nix-shell -p git
- Set PC variable
# Based on hosts folder PC=""
- Run install script:
# Take ownership of /etc/nixos sudo chown -R $USER /etc/nixos # Remove the default configuration file rm /etc/nixos/configuration.nix # Clone the repo to a temp folder git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 /tmp/nixos # Copy repo to /etc/nixos cp -R /tmp/nixos /etc # Move new hardware-configuration file to the appropriate location for this machine mv /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix /etc/nixos/hosts/$PC/ # Rebuild cd /etc/nixos && git add . && sudo nixos-rebuild switch --install-bootloader --flake .#nktfh100-$PC
- Reset layout
gsettings reset org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options gsettings reset org.gnome.desktop.input-sources sources