this is to generate audio files from given words
this module is for generating audio files for given list of words helpful for generating dataset for training model for set of words
import WordToAudioFile as wta
wta.wta(infile= "words_file.txt", outdir= "dataset", seq= [0,...])
we can also making all audio files for same duration
import WordToAudioFile as wta
wta.wta(infile= "words_file.txt", outdir= "dataset",
seq= [0,...], add_silence= [0,...],
duer= 1000) # in miliseconds
wta.rmold(outdir= "dataset", seq= [0,...])
we can change duration of audio files by changing its frame_rate and frame_count other than adding silence
import WordToAudioFile as wta
wta.wta(infile= "words_file.txt", outdir= "dataset",
seq= [0,...], add_silence= False, fill_fit= [0,...],
duer= 1000)
wta.rmold(outdir= "dataset", seq= [0,...])
this is to record human voices as audio files for given words
import voice_recorder
voice_recorder.record(infile= "words_file.txt", outdir= "dataset",
duer= 3000, sep= '\n', speech=1)