Angular.JS for the Saltarelle C# compiler.
Saltarelle.AngularJS is a library written for the Saltarelle C#-to-javascript compiler that allows to use the AngularJS framework from the C# language, making it possible to write C# client side web applications.
Other than providing an interface to AngularJS, the library also makes Angular more C# friendly, trying to make it look as if it was designed for C# and not Javascript.
As of now, only the main features of the latest angular release are covered, tough more and more are costantly added. If you want to contribute, write a pull request or file a request under the issue section.
- Getting started
- Differences between C# and Javascript
- Working with Dependecy Injection
- Defining Modules
- Working with controllers
- Service, Factory
- Defining a Config, Run, Constant, Value, Filter
- Creating Directives
- Using animations
Undocumented topics:
- UI-Router
- UI-Boostrap