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Create UnicodeParsingTests.ps1
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ninmonkey committed Jan 8, 2024
1 parent bac8827 commit 838d347
Showing 1 changed file with 214 additions and 0 deletions.
214 changes: 214 additions & 0 deletions Pwsh/Unicode/UnicodeParsingTests.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
$Sample = @{
CatNinja = '🐱‍👤'
Monkey = '🐒🔑business'
Control = " a🐈`n `u{0} 🐈"
$Uni = @{
Null = "`u{2400}"
Space = "`u{2400}"

' '.EnumerateRunes()|ft

function j.Hex {
just format numbers as hex
fix: [hex] => <Ninmonkey.Console\public\ConvertTo-Number.>
$what = 'a🐒c'
$bytes = [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('utf-16le').GetBytes( $what )
> $bytes | j.Hex
61 00 3d d8 12 dc 63 00
> $bytes | j.Hex -FormatString '{0:x4}' '_'
"''", "' '" )]
[string]$Separator = ' ',

[string]$FormatString = '{0:x2}',

[string]$OutputPrefix = '',

[string]$OutputSuffix = '',

# expects integers, in general
[Alias('InObj', 'Values', 'Num', 'Int')]
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline )]
begin {
[List[Object]]$Items = @()
process {
$Items.AddRange(@( $InputObject ))
end {
| Join-String -sep $Separator -f $FormatString
| Join-String -op $OutputPrefix -os $OutputSuffix

$what = 'a🐒c'
$list = $what.ToCharArray()
[Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes( $what ) | Join-string -sep ' ' -f ' {0:x}'

$what = 'a🐒c'
[Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes( $what ) | Join-string -sep ' ' -f '{0:x2}'
'61 00 3d d8 12 dc 63 00'

$list[1].ToInt64($Null) | % tostring 'x'

$list[0].ToInt64($Null) | % tostring 'x'

$what -match '\ud83d'

[regex]::match( $what, '\ud83d.') | ft # '[2] = 🐒'
[regex]::match( $what, '\ud83d\udc12') | ft # '[2] = 🐒'

function CodepointAs16RegexLiteral {
in: 🐒
> '🐒' -match ( CodepointAs16RegexLiteral '🐒')
# out: true
[string]$Text = '🐒')
if( @($Text.EnumerateRunes().Value).count -gt 1 ) { throw "expected one codepoint for now"}
return ([Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('utf-16le').GetBytes( $Text )
| Join-string -f '{0:x2}' ) -replace
'(?<=\G.{4})(?!$)', ':' -split ':' | Join-String -f '\u{0}' { $_ -replace '(..)(..)', '$2$1' }

# CodepointAs16Literal

# Update-Typedata -TypeName 'System.Text.Rune' -DefaultDisplayPropertySet @(
# 'Value', 'Utf16SequenceLength', 'Utf8SequenceLength', 'Plane', 'IsAscii', 'IsBmp'

# ) -Force -ea 'silentlycontinue'

# 🐱‍👤
Write-FormatView -TypeName ([Text.Rune]) -Property @(
# 'Name', 'PropertyType', 'Attributes', 'PropertyAttributes', 'InitialValue', 'ShortPath', 'ShortExtent'

# to remove a bunch, or move to type data
'Numeric' # 'GetNumericValue'
'Cat' # 'GetUnicodeCategory'
# 'Cat' # 'Category'
'Ctrl' # 'IsControl'
# 'IsDigit'
# 'IsLetter'
# 'IsLetterOrDigit'
# 'IsLower'
# 'IsNumber'
# 'IsPunctuation'
# 'IsSeparator'
# 'Symbol'
# # 'IsUpper'
# 'IsWhiteSpace'
) -AliasProperty @{
'Cat' = 'GetUnicodeCategory'
'Dec' = 'Value'
'Utf16' = 'Utf16SequenceLength'
'Utf8' = 'Utf8SequenceLength'
'Text' = 'Render'
'Lower' = 'ToLowerInvariant'
'Upper' = 'ToUpperInvariant'
# 'Ctrl' = 'IsControl'
'Symbol' = 'IsSymbol'
} -AlignProperty @{
'Rune' = 'right'
'Hex' = 'right'
} -VirtualProperty @{
Enc8 = {
[Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('utf-8').GetBytes( $_ )
| Join-string -f '{0:x2}' -sep ' ' }
Enc16 = {
[Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('utf-16le').GetBytes( $_ )
| Join-string -f '{0:x2}' -sep ' ' }
Enc16Be = {
[Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('utf-16be').GetBytes( $_ )
| Join-string -f '{0:x2}' -sep ' ' }
Cat = { # Category
[Text.Rune]::GetUnicodeCategory( $_.Value )
Hex = {
Join-String -f '{0:x}' -sep ' ' -In $_.Value
Render = { $_ | Format-ControlChar }
Numeric = { [Text.Rune]::GetNumericValue( $_ ) } # was: 'GetNumericValue'
GetUnicodeCategory = { [Text.Rune]::GetUnicodeCategory( $_ ) }
Ctrl = { [Text.Rune]::IsControl( $_ ) } <# was: 'IsControl' #>
IsDigit = { [Text.Rune]::IsDigit( $_ ) }
IsLetter = { [Text.Rune]::IsLetter( $_ ) }
IsLetterOrDigit = { [Text.Rune]::IsLetterOrDigit( $_ ) }
IsLower = { [Text.Rune]::IsLower( $_ ) }
IsNumber = { [Text.Rune]::IsNumber( $_ ) }
IsPunctuation = { [Text.Rune]::IsPunctuation( $_ ) }
IsSeparator = { [Text.Rune]::IsSeparator( $_ ) }
IsSymbol = { [Text.Rune]::IsSymbol( $_ ) }
IsUpper = { [Text.Rune]::IsUpper( $_ ) }
IsWhiteSpace = { [Text.Rune]::IsWhiteSpace( $_ ) }
'Lower' = # ToLowerInvariant =
{ [Text.Rune]::ToLowerInvariant( $_ ) }
'Upper' = # ToUpperInvariant
{ [Text.Rune]::ToUpperInvariant( $_ ) }
# ToLower = { [Text.Rune]::ToLower( $_ ) }
# ToUpper = { [Text.Rune]::ToUpper( $_ ) }

# SExtent = { $_.Extent.Text | Dotils.Format-ShortenWhitespace }
# SParent = { $_.Parent.Name }
# SPath = {
# $Line = $_.Extent.StartLineNumber
# $_.Extent.File | Get-Item
# | Join-String -p Name -f "{0}:${Line}" }
} -AutoSize
| Out-FormatData | Push-FormatData


# [Text.Rune] | fime -ParameterType { [Text.Rune] }

$one = $sample.Monkey.EnumerateRunes() | s -First 1

# $sample.Monkey.EnumerateRunes() | ft
# $sample.Control.EnumerateRunes()

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