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B. How to run the code

javiergcas edited this page Oct 29, 2021 · 29 revisions

Configure local version of this repository

a. Provide the correct values to the DATA_DIR, SCRIPTS_DIR and ATLAS_DIR variables in utils/

  • DATA_DIR: folder where you want to download the HCP dataset and perform all necessary analyses
  • SCRIPTS_DIR: folder where you downloaded this repository
  • ATLAS_DIR: folder where you placed the Schaefer atlas sub-folder.

b. provide your XNAT central user and password in utils/

  • XNAT_USER: provide your username
  • XANT_PASSWORD: provide your password

c. Similarly, you also need to provide the correct values for equivalent bash variables in Notebooks/

  • DATA_DIR : folder where you want to download the HCP dataset and perform all necessary analyses
  • SCRIPTS_DIR: folder where you downloaded this repository
  • ATLAS_DIR: folder where you placed the Schaefer atlas sub-folder.

Create the necessary conda environments

To run this code you will need two separate conda environments:

a. pyxant_env: This environment is used by notebook N00_DownloadDataFromHCPXNAT. This notebook downloads all the necessary data from XNAT Central using the pyxnat library. Because this library is not compatible with the latest version of other libraries used in this work, we need to create a separate environment just for this first notebook. A .yml file with the description of this first environment is provided in env_files/pyxnat_env.yml

b. hcp7t_fv_sleep_env: This environment is valid for all other notebooks. A .yml file with the description of this second environment is provided in env_files/hcp7t_fv_sleep_env.yml

Download HCP data from XNAT

Notebook N00_DownloadDataFromHCPXNAT contains the necessary code to downlaod all necessary data files from XNAT Central.

This notebook used the pyxant_env environment.

Many cells on this notebook will take a long time (over one hour). Be ready for that with a nice cup of coffee.

Perform Basic QA

Notebook N01_QA will help us identify resting-state runs with issues such as missing ET data, ET files that do not load correctly, or have an incorrect number of volumes. Those will not be used in further analyses. This notebook will write a dataframe with this information that it is used in subsequent notebooks to load only valid data.

ET-Preprocessing (& additional QA)

Notebook N02_ET-Preprocessing does all the pre-processing of the ET data as described in the manuscript. During the pre-processing, we detected a couple extra issues with a few runs. Namely, three runs did not have complete ET timeseries and 4 runs did not have information to permit synchronization of ET and fMRI data. At the completion of this notebook, you should have fully pre-processed ET traces stored in Resources/ET_PupilSize_Proc_1Hz_corrected.pkl for the 561 runs that passed all QA controls.

Generate scan labels (Drowsy / Awake)

Notebook N03_LabelRestRuns will label runs with eyes closed less than 95% of the time as "awake" and runs with eyes closed between 20% and 90% as "drwosy". The rest of the runs will be discarded. Those labels will be used in many subsequent analyses. This notebook also generates main figures 1 and 4.

Figure 1 Figure 4

** Identify Long Segments of Eye Closure and Eye Opening

This operation is also conducted by notebook N03_LabelRestRuns. This notebook generates two pickle files Resources/EC_Segments_Info.pkl and Resources/EO_Segments_Info.pkl that contain information about every single EC and EO segment. Such information includes, among others, a unique identifier per segment (used to name files), segment onset, segment offset and segment duration.

Pre-process ROIs and Mask

Next, notebook N04_Preprocess_mask_and_ROIs will create a series of subject specific masks used in subsequent analyses. Those include subject specific GM ribbon, WM, V4, lateral ventricles (Vl) and the Schaefer Atlas (200 ROIs) constrained to the subject's GM ribbon.

NOTE: This part of the analyses rely on AFNI and scripts are designed to be run in a parallel computer cluster. They may need to be modified for your own computing environment.

Extract Representative FV, Lat Vent, WM, GM and Global Signal

Notebook N05_Extract_ROI_TS will extract representative timeseries for a few tissue compartments directly from the minimally pre-processed data. The only step prior to extracting the time-series is to convert each voxel timeseries into signal percent units.

NOTE: This part of the analyses rely on AFNI and scripts are designed to be run in a parallel computer cluster. They may need to be modified for your own computing environment.

Run pre-processing steps beyond mPP

Notebook N06_mPP_postProcessing.CreateSwarm will run a few different pre-processing pipelines described in the manuscript (i.e., basic, compcor). In particular, the following outputs are generated

  • ${RUN}_BASIC.nii.gz | BASIC Pipeline: Blur (4mm) + Scaling + Regression (Motion + 1st Der Motion + Polort) + Bandpass [0.01 - 0.1 Hz]
  • ${RUN}_BASICnobpf.nii.gz | BASIC (no filtering) Pipeline: Blur (4mm) + Scaling + Regression (Motion + 1st Der Motion + Polort). This is created so that we can run rapidtide on the BASIC pipeline. Filtering needs to be done in rapidtide so that it can do statistics appropriately.
  • ${RUN}_AFNI_COMPCOR.nii.gz | AFNI Compcorr (deprecated): Blur (4mm) + Scaling + Regression (motion + 1st der mot + legendre 5 + 3 PCAs lat vents) + Bandpass [0.01 - 0.1Hz]
  • ${RUN}_AFNI_COMPCORp.nii.gz | AFNI Compcorr+ (deprecated): Blur (4mm) + Scaling + Regression (motion + 1st der mot + legendre 5 + 3 PCAs lat vents + 4th Ventricle) + Bandpass [0.01 - 0.1Hz]
  • ${RUN}_Behzadi_COMPCOR.nii.gz | COMPCOR Pipeline: Blur (4mm) + Scaling + Regression (motion + 1st der mot + legendre 5 + 5 PCAs CSF & WM) + Bandpass [0.01 - 0.1Hz].

NOTE: This part of the analyses rely on AFNI and scripts are designed to be run in a parallel computer cluster. They may need to be modified for your own computing environment.

Rapidtide: lag-maps and cross-correlation results.

Notebooks N07_RapidTide.CreateSwarm will generate swarm files to run rapidtide on all 404 runs separately. In addition this notebook also contains the code to aggregate RapidTide results at the group level. Finally, it also contains the code to generate all the components that are part of Figure 8 (original submission).

Some important considerations here:

  • RapidTide generates a lot of outputs. We will delete most of them (as we don't use them).
  • We will only keep (and report) results for p<0.05.
  • Group-level results only take into account voxels for which at least half the sample showed significance (RapidTide).
Figure 8
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