Sell Fractal Filters on your website, and start making money right away. Want to join or have questions? Email me at [email protected]
Include the following button on your page, where you want it to appear. When the user clicks on this button, they'll be shown a popup which will take them to
, with your ref code in the query path.
<button id='ffpopupbtn'>Purchase</button>
Copy and paste the following code onto every page on which the <button id='ffpopupbtn'>Purchase</button>
appears, ideally before the </body>
IMPORTANT—make sure to replace the ref code at the bottom with the ref code we've agreed upon: window.ffref="YOUR_REF_CODE_HERE"
, should become, for example, window.ffref="ben"
. That's it!
If you use Wordpress or a flavor of some CMS, feel free to email me and I'll help you set it up.
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You'll receive attribution for sales that you've referred even if the sale is made in a subsequent browsing session. For example, if you refer someone who then decides to purchase a week later, you'll still receive your commission.