GoShifter is an analysis tool to test for enrichment of GWAS loci in genomic annotations. For details, please refer to the paper.
Trynka G, Westra H-J, Slowikowski K, Hu X, Xu H, Stranger BE, et al. Disentangling the Effects of Colocalizing Genomic Annotations to Functionally Prioritize Non-coding Variants within Complex-Trait Loci. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 2015 Jul 2;97(1):139–52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajhg.2015.05.016.
I have reimplemented the tool in Python 3 with a reduced feature set:
- Rather than calculating SNPs in LD with the lead SNP at a locus, Lean GoShifter expect the user to have pre-calculated a fine-mapped SNP set for each locus.
- Lean GoShifter does not implement the conditional analysis for colocalizing annotations.
Lean GoShifter is written for Python 3.8. It uses the following base modules:
In addition, Lean GoShifter requires the following modules:
numpy >= 1.21.3
pandas >= 1.3.4
You can install these using the following command:
python3 -m pip install numpy==1.21.3 pandas==1.3.4
The script takes as input a list of SNPs assigned to each locus. These may be the lead SNP and tagging LD SNPs or a fine-mapped set of SNPs around the lead SNP. The script also takes a set of genomic intervals that represent annotations.
Loci are calculated as the furthest SNPs at each locus extended by twice the median size of the annotation. The annotations at each locus are permuted and the enrichment of overlapping SNPs at loci is estimated using the null distribution. Refer to the original paper for specific details.
usage: lean_go_shifter.py [-h] [--threads THREADS] snp_map annotation permute out_dir prefix
A lean reimplementation of GoShifter
positional arguments:
snp_map A table of SNPs for each individual signal.
annotation File with genomic regions representing annotations.
permute Number of permutations for the null distribution.
out_dir Output directory.
prefix Prefix for output files.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--threads THREADS The number of threads to use.
This is the expected format for the snp_map
argument. The file is tab-delimited. The Locus
column indicates separate signals to test for enrichment in the genomic annotations. This example contains 2 loci with a fine-mapped set of one SNP and a third locus with a fine-mapped set of 7 SNPs.
Locus SNP Chr Position
1 rs3131972 1 817341
2 rs2272757 1 946247
3 rs13302945 1 953779
3 rs13302957 1 955641
3 rs13302996 1 966227
3 rs13303051 1 954333
3 rs13303056 1 953778
3 rs13303206 1 954258
3 rs13303227 1 957365
This is the expected format for the annotation
argument. The file is tab-delimited.
Chr Start End
1 23224 23849
1 24025 26778
1 28524 30136
1 30354 30875
1 31109 31894
1 32151 32330
1 32460 33367
1 33645 33887
1 33988 35232
mkdir test_output/
python3 lean_go_shifter.py snp_map.tsv annotation.tsv 1000 test_output/ prefix
- Contains the p-value of enrichment of loci overlapping the genomic annotation.test_output/prefix_overlap_scores.tsv
- Contains the loci that were tested for enrichment. A column indicates if the locus overlapped any genomic annotations. Another column indicates the likelihood of an overlap occuring, with low scores representing unlikely overlap that drives the enrichment of the genomic annotation. Refer to the paper for specific details of the overlap score.