a global modal dialog component with vanilla javascript
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../bundle/modal.css">
<script src="../bundle/modal.js"></script>
import modal from '../bundle/modal.js'
import '../bundle/modal.css'
modal.open(options) //basic method
modal.alert(content[, options])
modal.confirm(content[, options])
- Type:
- Default: {}
content: 'content', // the content, default is ''
title: 'title', // the title, default is '信息'
width: '400px', // width of the modal box, is depending on the content
height: '300px', // height of the modal box, is depending on the content
maxWidth: '200px', // max width of the modal box, default is '100%'
maxHeight: '200px', // max height of the modal box, default is '100%'
skin: 'red', // custom class name of the modal box
btn: ['yes', 'no'], // custom button content, type can be `String` or `Array`, default is '确定' (confirm method default is ['确定', '取消'])
opacity: '0.4', //opacity of the modal mask, default is '0.3'
yes: function() { console.log('yes') }, // callback of the first button
no: function() { console.log('no') }, // callback of the second button
always: function() { console.log('always') } // callback of any button