Galileo is an Angular UI Kit built to fast and easy development of user interfaces. It is built on top of Bootstrap 4.0
The supported versions are:
galileo | Angular | Bootstrap CSS | ng-bootstrap | @fortawesome/angular-fontawesome | ng-sidebar |
0.x.x | 10.1.1 | 4.0.0 | 6.0.2 | 0.7.x | 9.2.1 |
- Real time themes switcher
- Forms with errors message setup system
- Layouts for authentication and dashboard
- Sidebar
- Breadcrumb
- Table component with clientSide and serverSide (Spring) mechanism
- HttpInterceptor with addToken() and refreshToken() mechanism
- Validators
- Some others useful component (e.g gll-cards)
npm i
ng serve
npm i --save @nicolalopatriello/galileo