- Vagrant 1.7.4 >
- Ansible 1.9.x >
- VirtualBox
- Pgadmin for administration
- More then 2gb Memory
- Tested PostgreSQL 9.4 DONE with pg_statsinfo 3.2.0, centos 6 and 7
- Not supported PostgreSQL versions 8.4, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 and OS centos 5
- Selinux enabled
- PostgreSQL install with configured variables
- pg_statsinfo
- PostgreSQL backup script with Continuous Archiving and Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR)
- Alerting (nagios or alternative)
- pgbouncer for connection pooling
- Add PostgreSQL 9.5 when official released
- Add docker option
Info password for vagrant user is vagrant
Create customizations file and edit [UNCONFIGURED] and other vars
cp -rp group_vars/postgresql customizations
vi customizations
# Variables here are applicable to all hosts
# notification
hipchat_enabled: false
hipchat_api_token: [UNCONFIGURED]
hipchat_room: [UNCONFIGURED]
# centos
centos_version: "{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}"
# postgresql vars
postgresql_version: 9.4 # default is 9.4 (is the latest)
postgresql_pkg_version: 94 # default is 94 (is the latest)
postgresql_postgres_password: [UNCONFIGURED] # generate with keepass or passsafe
postgresql_memory: 512MB # use MB, GB, TB
postgresql_backends: 150 # normal postgresql default is 100
postgresql_backup_keep: 3 # keep 3 days backups
# statistics vars
pgstatsinfo_enabled: true
pgreporter_user: pgreport
pgreporter_password: [UNCONFIGURED]
# cert vars
state: "Zuid Holland"
city: The Hague
organization: example BV
vagrant up
When you have issues with vagrant box
Find latest boxes on https://atlas.hashicorp.com/boxes/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&sort=updated&provider=&q=centos6
and edit pgsqlcentos6.vm.box = "jhcook/centos6"
in Vagrantfile
Find latest boxes on https://atlas.hashicorp.com/boxes/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&sort=updated&provider=&q=centos7
and edit pgsqlcentos7.vm.box = "hfm4/centos7"
in Vagrantfile
psql -h -p 5432 -U postgres
psql -h -p 5432 -U postgres
Go into the vm with ssh to check if everything is healthy
vagrant ssh pgsqlcentos6
vagrant ssh pgsqlcentos7
Wait for first pg_statsinfo snapshot or create manualy
pg_statsinfo.snapshot_interval = 30 min
Create 2 or more snapshots manualy
# su - postgres
$ psql -d postgres -c "SELECT statsinfo.snapshot('testsnap')"
Check webinterface pg_reporter if there are snapshots available
Backup check
# su - postgres
Last login: Sun Jan 24 10:44:29 CET 2016 on pts/0
-bash-4.2$ /bin/sh /var/lib/pgsql/backup_postgresql.sh -p 5432 -H
-bash-4.2$ cd /pgbackup/
-bash-4.2$ ls
lock log pgbackup_24-01-2016_10_45_05.tgz pgwals_24-01-2016_10_45_05.tgz
-bash-4.2$ ls -ltrh
total 8.9M
drwxr-x---. 2 postgres postgres 46 Jan 24 10:45 log
-rw-r--r--. 1 postgres postgres 3.4M Jan 24 10:45 pgbackup_24-01-2016_10_45_05.tgz
-rw-r--r--. 1 postgres postgres 5.5M Jan 24 10:45 pgwals_24-01-2016_10_45_05.tgz
drwxr-x---. 2 postgres postgres 6 Jan 24 10:45 lock
-bash-4.2$ cd log/
-bash-4.2$ ls
-bash-4.2$ cat pg_backup_log_24-01-2016_10_45_05
Old backup logs are deleted
Start Hot Backup
(1 row)
Starting tar of base dir and wal files
After testing is done
vagrant destroy
Edit host_vars for production
vi host_vars/pgsqlcentos6prod or host_vars/pgsqlcentos7prod
ansible_host: "set public ip here"
ansible_port: "set port here"
private_ip: "set private ip here"
Create customizations file
cp -rp group_vars/postgresql customizations
vi customizations
# Variables here are applicable to all hosts
# notification
hipchat_enabled: false
hipchat_api_token: [UNCONFIGURED]
hipchat_room: [UNCONFIGURED]
# centos
centos_version: "{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}"
# postgresql vars
postgresql_version: 9.4 # default is 9.4 (is the latest)
postgresql_pkg_version: 94 # default is 94 (is the latest)
postgresql_postgres_password: [UNCONFIGURED] # generate with keepass or passsafe
postgresql_memory: 512MB # use MB, GB, TB
postgresql_backends: 150 # normal postgresql default is 100
postgresql_backup_keep: 3 # keep 3 days backups
# statistics vars
pgstatsinfo_enabled: true
pgreporter_user: pgreport
pgreporter_password: [UNCONFIGURED]
# cert vars
state: "Zuid Holland"
city: The Hague
organization: example BV
Run playbook to your server(s)
With ssh key
ansible-playbook -i inventory/prod -l [pgsqlcentos6prod or pgsqlcentos7prod] -u [username] --private-key [location ssh key] site.yml -e @customizations
With username and password (you need ssh-pass installed on the system)
ansible-playbook -i inventory/prod -l [pgsqlcentos6prod or pgsqlcentos7prod] -u [username] -k -K site.yml -e @customizations