A forked version of the Google Analytics Easy Dashboard Library. I put this here to make it easier to play with the code, make fun demos, and track ideas. Big changes are happening.
The official source can be found here: http://goo.gl/mYI79
And I'm going to be adding demos on this page: http://nickski15.github.com/ga-ez-dash/
- added new account / property / profile JS control
- added new web component for profile select control
- moving to pubsub model to determine when library loaded
- new profile select demos
- added web component support using polymer.js
- new components:
- ga-dashboard - binds controls to charts
- ga-auth - handles auth
- ga-input - for type = text and date
- ga-button - executes charts
- ga-chart - wrapper for chart builders
- new demos
- updated config object to accept all camelCase values
- moved lastNdays into query
- dimensions, metrics, and sort can be space separated
- gadash.util.extend only copies values that are not null and undefined
- added new GaControl class to wrap UI elements with logic to return their current values in query config objects
- added gadash.getTextInputControl method to return a control from a text input
- updated GaComponent class to support controls.
- updated GaComponent.execute to pass data directly to added query objects
- components can be added to components
- all gadash.getCore* methods now support var_args. Config can be passed as any param.
- renamed:
- config.divContent -> config.elementId
- refactored all query objects into a single GaQuery objects
- modified method name:
- GaQuery.set() is now GaQuery.setConfig()
- GaQuery.render() is now GaQuery.execute()
- added methods to get various pre configured objects:
- gadash.getCoreQuery()
- gadash.getCoreLineChart()
- gadash.getCoreBarChart()
- gadash.getCorePieChart()
- gadash.getCoreColumnChart()
- render method accepts an optional config object
- added a new GaComponent class. This has both setConfig and execute methods, to simplify managing multiple query objects as a single object.
- gadash.configKeys renamed to gadash.init
- gadash.init accepts onAuthorized and onUnAuthorized methods to override default auth handlers
- config object support onRequest, onResponse, onSuccess, and onError handlers
- added new CoreQuery class; useful to create your own custom visualizations
- added dynamic loaders to all Chart objects
- library moved to /out folder; contains library + minified version
- codebase split into multiple files under /src
- new BUILD file added that also performs lint checks
- new scope added to auth
- logged-in user email address now displayed; new logout button added
- library dependencies now auto load themselves
- added google visualization wrappers
- default of last 28 days added to all Charts
- initial commit