This is a sample Pet Store Server based on the OpenAPI 3.0 specification. You can find out more about Swagger at In the third iteration of the pet store, we've switched to the design first approach! You can now help us improve the API whether it's by making changes to the definition itself or to the code. That way, with time, we can improve the API in general, and expose some of the new features in OAS3. If you're looking for the Swagger 2.0/OAS 2.0 version of Petstore, then click here. Alternatively, you can load via the Edit > Load Petstore OAS 2.0
menu option! Some useful links: - The Pet Store repository - The source API definition for the Pet Store
Linux/OS X:
cd src/IO.Swagger
docker build -t io.swagger .
docker run -p 5000:5000 io.swagger