A clone of Spotify using the Spotify Web API created as our final project for Phase 2 of FlatIron School to test our knowledge on React.
Upon first load of the web application, you will be asked to authenticate your Spotify account by logging in.
- You will be brought to the dashboard which will display 5 random genres as well as your own personal library on the left hand side of the application
- A recently played section will appear below once you have played song
- On the center of the page will be up to 20 random playlist that, once clicked will display up to the first 100 songs in that playlist
- Once a song is clicked, it will be played using the Spotify Web API Player and the song name, artist name and album cover will be displayed in the recently played tab.
- Fork this repo and clone a local copy on your pc
- Once cloned, cd root/client
- Once in the client directory, type npm install in the CLI to install all packages required for the application
- After successful npm install, type npm start in the CLI to start the application. The application will run on port 3000
- Open web browser of choice and go to localhost:3000
- Log in to Spotify and enjoy your tunes!
Eli Robbins, Tara Kelly, and Nathan Huse.