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tích hợp sẵn các thư viện bên thứ 3 của unity


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Integrated some 3rd party of Unity:

  • AD apploving (MAX) and some common adapter
  • Native Ad (using google admob)
  • Facebook
  • Firebase
  • Adjust
  • In-App purchase
  • Nointernet popup
  • NoAds popup
  • google Rate
  • Loading controller
  • Language controller

--> Auto check missing file google-service.js <--

for Firebase service working correctly, file google-service.js must inside Assets folder

--> Auto check and warning package name is correct format <--

if project packgename not follow format "com.X.Y". It will cause some error on upload for google play store!

--> Auto push branch production <--

After build aab, a branch production will auto create and push your code to there!


  • Download SDK from here then import into project (you should delete all the old lib Ad, google, firebase... before) and Demo project here

  • I'm recommend your build setting like this: build setting

  • Reimport All

  • Android Resolve -> Force Resolve

  • Then you have 2 way to add the code lib to your project:

    • The lazy way: (you must add your project to a git reposity first) add Code
    • The profession way:
  • put prefab 3rdLib into scene index 0 on build setting (check dontDestroyOnload if project have multiple scene)

put prefab 3rdLib into scene index 0 on build setting

  • If project contain IAP, then you must put IAP prefab as a child of 3rdLibManager (inside 3rdLib prefab) then click to assign sublib

  • Feel free to add your code on CustomLib script

  • For intergrated with our lib, using DVAH;

  • Enter info of APERO checklist on menu 3rdLib/Checklist APERO checklist APERO

Loading System:


  • We provided a loading systems. If you like to use, just click on Is Use Loading
  • Loading using for many purpose, mostly is wait load ad open

For example:

public class CustomLib : MonoBehaviour
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        LoadingManager.Instant.DoneConditionSelf(0, ()=> AdManager.Instant.AdsOpenIsLoaded(0));
        AsyncOperation loadingScene = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(1, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
        loadingScene.allowSceneActivation = true;
        LoadingManager.Instant.SetMaxTimeLoading(30).Init((conditionDone) =>
            AdManager.Instant.ShowAdOpen(0,true, (isSuccess) =>


  • As you can see, our Loading systems contain a max time loading and a list boolean of condition

Call LoadingManager.Instant.DoneCondition(ID); for set a condition is success You can use Coroutine to waitUntil then set done condition or using LoadingManager.Instant.DoneConditionSelf(ID, Func);

if all condition is done then loading will stop and invoke callback, which already define in LoadingManager.Instant.Init(callbackDone);

if some condition still false but loading reach max time then loading still stop and invoke call back. You can process on callback like this:

  LoadingManager.Instant.Init({number of conditions},(conditionDone)=>{
          if(conditionDone.Where(t => t == false ).Any()){
                  //Some condition fail!

                  //All condition done!

You can set max time of loading using script right before call loading init:


You can using doneConditionSelf to wait something done (it similar with using coroutine wait until):

  LoadingManager.Instant.DoneConditionSelf({ID condition}, ()=> AdManager.Instant.OpenAdLoaded());

Call function:

enter ID adopen

Buy product

    IAPManager.Instant.BuyProductID("IDProduct", (isSuccess) =>
            Debug.Log("Buy DOne!");
            Debug.Log("Buy Fail!");

Or If you wanna get data of product like receipt for self-check on your server IAPManager.Instant.BuyProductID("IDProduct", (isSuccess, Product) => { if (isSuccess) Debug.Log("Buy DOne! "+Product.receipt); else Debug.Log("Buy Fail!"); });

restore product, call ASAP

    _= IAPManager.Instant.TryAddRestoreEvent("productID", () =>
        Debug.Log("Restore Done!");

    //---OR if you need check its OK ---
    var restoreSth = IAPManager.Instant.TryAddRestoreEvent("productID", () =>
        Debug.Log("Restore Done!");
    if (restoreSth.Result)
        Debug.Log("It's OK");

    // It's doesn't matter IAP init done or not

    // On IOS must add : 

Log event Firebase

    FireBaseManager.Instant.LogEventWithParameterAsync("Event_name_do_not_using_space", new Hashtable()


    FireBaseManager.Instant.LogEventWithOneParam("Event_name_do_not_using_space" );

Get value from remote config

    FireBaseManager.Instant.GetValueRemoteAsync("key", (value) =>
        int true_value = (int)value.LongValue;


    DVAH3rdLib.Instant.ShowPopUpRate() //==> Show
    DVAH3rdLib.Instant.ShowPopUpRate(false) //==> Hide


    AdManager.Instant.InitializeBannerAdsAsync(); // If you wanna call init banner manually

Call anywhwre you need show or hide banner, admanager auto load and show or hide!

On inspector, set bannerADID = blank if game dont have banner

    AdManager.Instant.ShowInterstitial((status) =>
        //Do sth when user watched inter
        if (status == InterVideoState.Closed)
            Debug.Log("Do sth!");
            //Do sth when inter fail to show, not ready, etc....

    }, showNoAds: true);

showNoAds: true ==> if you wanna show popup "AD not avaiable" - flase or just leave it blank if you dont need popup

    AdManager.Instant.ShowRewardVideo((status) =>
        //Do sth when user watched reward
        if (status == RewardVideoState.Watched)
            Debug.Log("Do sth!");
            //Do sth when reward fail to show, not ready, etc....

    }, showNoAds: true);

showNoAds: true ==> if you wanna show popup "AD not avaiable" - flase or just leave it blank if you dont need popup

AD OPEN/RESUME* enter ID adopen

Some game have more than one ad open then, you must pass ID for showing

If game have more than one ad open then Ad ID 1 will auto use for open game and the last one use for resume game

        AdManager.Instant.ShowAdOpen(ID,true, (id,status) =>
                    // id mean adOpen id
                if (state == OpenAdState.None)
                    //adOpen show fail or something wrong

                if (state == OpenAdState.Open)
                    //trigger callback when ad open start show

                if (state == OpenAdState.Click)
                    //trigger callback when user click ad

                if (state == OpenAdState.Closed)
                    //trigger when ad open close

true then lib will know AdOpen treated as Ad open when open game, or as an AD when user return game.

You call check on callback Ad show success or not using isSuccess

        AdManager.Instant.ShowNativeAsync(ID,true, (nativePanel) =>
             nativePanel.transform.localScale =;
             nativePanel.transform.localPosition =;
             nativePanel.rectTransform.sizeDelta =;
             nativePanel.rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(1, 0.4f);

ID is index of ID native AD

Actually, Native AD object already create right when native AD success!

Show function using callback for assign Native AD object into right canvas


tích hợp sẵn các thư viện bên thứ 3 của unity







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