aws-operation-dynamodb-import is a Node library that help you import a json array to a table in aws dynamoDB.
- aws credentials (when installing aws CLI you should configure your credentials by running )
aws configure
- check your credential here : (~/.aws/credentials)
Use the package manager npm to install aws-operation-dynamodb.
npm i @gafa/aws-operation-dynamodb-import
- In your current node's project or init a new project with this commande
npm init
- Install the aws-operation-dynamodb aws sdk for nodejs in your project (or the initiated project) :
npm i @gafa/aws-operation-dynamodb-import
- Create a new js file with this two lines (example import.js) :
var operation = require('@gafa/aws-operation-dynamodb-import');
operation.importAllItems('test_dynamo_db', './to-import.json', 'eu-west-1');
- First argument : the dynamodb name
- Second argument : the path to the json to import
- Third argument : the aws region of your dynamodb
Then run this command in your console
node import.js
And it done ... all your json array file will be imported
Output :
Importing items into DynamoDB. Please wait.
PutItem succeeded: 3hS4ZfuxA9cUo4NxrbNY (id)
PutItem succeeded: 0h5gxqMsfdzK9H3tKgt2 (id)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.