ReST API to serve companies daily prices and recommendations stock data, using yfinance to fetch the data.
- src/stock/ - models and their relationships;
- src/stock/ - how endpoints are made and processed;
- src/stock/ - how scalar value mapping is done;
- src/stock/ - how fetching stock data is done, via yfinance;
- src/stock/management/commands/ - command that uses logic
- Docker >= 19.03.8
- docker-compose >= 1.25.5
# (optional) create an alias in your .bashrc/.zshrc or in your shell instance,
# to ease commands writing:
$ alias dc="docker-compose"
# change directory inside project
$ cd code-challenge
# start docker compose services in background
$ dc up -d
# "An error occurred when reading or setup.cfg: 'Attribute' object has no attribute 'id'" -> If this error occur, while docker image is building for first time, please ignore as it will not stop the image building process.
# check services are up and running
$ dc ps
# expected output:
Name Command State Ports
code-challenge_api_1 /bin/sh -c while sleep 100 ... Up>8000/tcp
code-challenge_db_1 postgres Up 5432/tcp
# (first bootstrap only) run database migrations
$ dc exec api bash
$ poetry shell
$ python migrate
# launch django web server
$ dc exec api bash
$ poetry shell
$ python runserver
# once it's running try open your browser at: http://localhost:8000
# (optional) create superuser, if you want to access backoffice
$ dc exec api bash
$ poetry shell
$ python createsuperuser --username <username>
# once it's finished try open your browser at http://localhost:8000/admin to login.
$ dc exec api bash
$ poetry shell
# learn how to use the command
$ ./ fetch_daily_data --help
# fetch all daily prices, for current date, and recommendations, for all specified tickers.
# NOTE: since you are specifying the tickers, even if they're not persisted on database yet, they will be automatically persisted.
$ ./ fetch_daily_data --tickers FB,AAPL,NFLX,GOOG
# fetch all daily prices and recommendations, for current date,
# for all tickers that are already persisted on database.
# NOTE: make sure you've already persisted a company in database.
$ ./ fetch_daily_data
# override daily data
$ ./ fetch_daily_data 2020-04-30
# override daily data with specific tickers
$ ./ fetch_daily_data 2020-04-30 --tickers FB
# list, create, update and get companies
# (depending on the HTTP verb - You can try it via your browser, there's a graphical user interface)
$ http://localhost:8000/companies
# query dailyprices using start_date and end_date
$ http://localhost:8000/dailyprices/?start_date=2020-05-01&end_date=2020-07-30
# query dailyprices using start_date and end_date AND companies
$ http://localhost:8000/dailyprices/?start_date=2020-05-01&end_date=2020-07-30&companies=FB
# query dailyprices using start_date and end_date AND MULTIPLE companies
$ http://localhost:8000/dailyprices/?start_date=2020-05-01&end_date=2020-07-30&companies=FB&companies=AAPL
# query recommendations using start_date and end_date
$ http://localhost:8000/recommendations/?start_date=2020-05-01&end_date=2020-07-30
# query recommendations using start_date and end_date AND companies
$ http://localhost:8000/recommendations/?start_date=2020-05-01&end_date=2020-07-30&companies=FB
# query recommendations using start_date and end_date AND MULTIPLE companies
$ http://localhost:8000/recommendations/?start_date=2020-05-01&end_date=2020-07-30&companies=FB&companies=AAPL
- Test Driven Development;
- ReST endpoints authentication;
It was not done because it wasn't requested and it would take more time to finish the code challenge. For production environment though it would be necessary, at least the authentication.
# if you want to process the DailyPrice objects in a DataFrame/DataTime object
$ dc exec api bash
$ poetry shell
$ ./ shell
from stock.models import DailyPrice as d
dp_qs = d.objects.all()
# (similar) expected output
# id open_value high_value low_value close_value volume company
# created_at
# 2020-07-01 17 365.12 367.36 363.91 364.11 26800491 AAPL
# 2020-04-30 18 206.92 209.69 201.57 204.71 46173300 FB
# Can find more in here:
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Django Docs, Docker Docs.