All files are written in JavaScript and are as follows:
- Add, multiply, exponent
- Add, multiply, exponent (2nd version)
- Find predecessor and subtract
Define a function for each number from 0 to 9 and define a function for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Each operation will consist of two numbers and one operation to be done. The most outer function represents the left operand, and the most inner function represents the right operand.
The file is written in JavaScript.
Simple code to draw a line with a defined start and end point.
The file is written in JavaScript.
You live in the city of Cartesia where all roads are laid out in a perfect grid.
You arrived ten minutes too early to an appointment, so you decided to take the opportunity to go for a short walk.
The city provides its citizens with a Walk Generating App on their phones -- everytime you press the button it sends you an array
of one-letter strings representing directions to walk (eg. ['n', 's', 'w', 'e']). You always walk only a single block for
each letter (direction) and you know it takes you one minute to traverse one city block, so create a function that will
return true
if the walk the app gives you will take you exactly ten minutes (you don't want to be early or late!) and will,
of course, return you to your starting point. Return false
The file is written in JavaScript.