Read more about REGON API (BIR):
This project provides:
- Gradle task to create Java classes from SOAP 1.2 specification (run genJaxbStubs task)
- Web client to download XML as String from REGON API
- String XML to POJO converter
Classes in com.nexocode.bir.wsdl are generated by gradle, if you want, you can remove all package content and generate classes once again from scratches with genJaxbStubs task.
Client uses API Key for test environment. If you want to use production environment, just replace regon-api url with and regon-api key in application.yml with your own key received from REGON API admins.
- bir means: Baza Internetowa REGON 😅
- JDK 11 is used in this project as default
- Enable annotation processing in your IDE, since Lombok is used
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- If you understand what's going on here, apply: 😎