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Instruction and files for porting Arm DesignStart to CW305.

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Arm freely provides its Cortex M1 and Cortex M3 processors as soft-core IP for evaluation through its DesignStart program. This will require one to both Apply and sign-up. Arm also provides a workflow and tutorials for implementing the M1 or M3 on the popular Digilent Arty A7 FPGA platform.

In this note we explain how to port the Arty DesignStart platform to our own CW305 or CW312 A35 platform. We show how to generate the FPGA bitfile, then we show how to build our standard simpleserial AES victim firmware and run our standard Jupyter tutorials.

The end result is a powerful side-channel platform with a customizable Arm Cortex target, which you can use as a starting point and customize for your own needs. Here are a few examples of what you can do:

  • add additional peripherals and interfaces to the Arm processor
  • instantiate multiple Arm processors
  • add additional side-channel attack logic to the target FPGA -- for example, Arm trace sniffing logic.

Before starting, it's a good idea to watch the series of videos that Arm put together to show the development cycle for DesignStart on the Arty board:

This will give you an idea of what's possible and what the development cycle is like.


Porting the Arm IP from the Arty platform to one of our target FPGAs requires you to do a lot of work in Vivado. This write-up assumes some prior experience with Vivado. It is not a Vivado tutorial! Vivado can be a fickle tool and its error messages will have you scratching your head if you aren't familiar with FPGA development. Attempting to follow the steps below without any FPGA development experience is almost guaranteed to be a frustrating experience. The instructions below are very long and fairly detailed, but they are not intended for beginners.

On the other hand, if you've used Vivado before, then don't let this scare you away. You probably won't be doing anything you haven't done before! For an experienced FPGA developer, there's nothing hard or tricky here. The intent of this note is to show that it is possible to run DesignStart on our target FPGAs, and hopefully save you some time in getting there.


  • The Cortex processors included in the DesignStart release have limited configuration options.
  • The free version of Keil does not support programs larger that 32 Kbytes (the free version includes a 30-day trial for the unlimited professional version).


Hardware Requirements:

  • CW-Nano, Lite, Pro or Husky
  • CW305 or CW312-A35

Software Requirements:

These are all free downloads:

  • Xilinx Vivado version 2019.1
    • other versions may work but some tweaks to the steps may be required
    • Xilinx makes it easy to install arbitrary versions, so please use 2019.1!
  • Keil uVision version
    • current version is 5.30, should work as well
  • Arm DesignStart for Xilinx FPGA package

While Vivado is available for Windows and Linux, Keil is Windows-only. The recipe provided here was tested with Windows 10.

Install Xilinx Vivado

Create a Xilinx account and download Vivado Design Suite 2019.1 from You should select the original 2019.1 release, not the update 1 or update 2 version. You want the one where the Windows installer has this MD5 checksum:


When you run the installer, choose the the Vivado HL WebPACK install.

Other versions of Vivado may work as well, but the Vivado project files provided by Arm were created with this version of Vivado; there may be hiccups if you use a different version (in particular, the Xilinx SDK appears to have undergone significant changes in 2019.2).

Download DesignStart package

Create an Arm account and download the DesignStart package from

You have the option of choosing the M1 package or the M3 package. These instructions are written for the M3 target, but they will work for the M1 target as well -- just substitute M3 for M1 wherever you encounter it in the steps below.

The M3 fits on the XC7A100 FPGA with lots of room to spare for other logic (approximately 20% utilization); it may be tight on the XC7A35 FPGA. The M1 should fit very comfortably on both.

These instructions were developed and tested with version r0p1-00-rel0.

Install Keil

Download and install the Keil IDE from

Creating the FPGA bitfile

This is by far the longest step, so buckle in.

We're going to remove some unnecessary peripherals around the reference Cortex design and change the configuration of others. The goal is to make a target which resembles our STM32 targets, which communicate with ChipWhisperer via UART. This will allow our existing Jupyter notebook tutorials to be very easily ported to this platform.

(Other approaches are possible too! That's the beauty of having the target as soft IP in an FPGA. For example one may choose to leverage the 8-bit parallel data interface provided by, or make up an entirely new interface.)

Since this guide was originally developed for the CW305 target, it contains many references to the CW305; unless otherwise noted, these also apply to the CW312 A35 target.

  1. Open the Arm DesignStart user guide (<Arm bundle>/docs/arm_cortex_m3_designstart_fpga_xilinx...pdf) and follow the instructions in sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3.

  2. Clone the DesignStart project in Vivado:

    • Open Vivado and open either the DesignStart project, found here: v:/hardware/m3_for_arty_a7/m3_for_arty_a7/m3_for_arty_a7.xpr
    • There will be some warnings; this is ok.
    • File > Project > Save As, with a new project name of CW305_DesignStart, to V:/hardware/CW305_DesignStart as shown below:
  3. Copy v:/software/m3_for_arty_a7/ to v:/software/CW305_DesignStart

  4. Follow the instructions in section 2.4 of the Arm DesignStart user guide, but replace m3_for_arty_a7 with CW305_DesignStart.

  5. Make sure Arty A7-100 is selected at Tools -> Settings -> Project Settings -> General -> Project device afterwards.

  6. Do not follows steps 2.5 and 2.6:

    • Step 2.5 is not necessary because our CW305 port does not use QSPI memory.
    • Step 2.6 is not necessary because we will not be simulating our CW305 port in Vivado. (You, on the other hand, may wish to do so -- especially if you decide to deviate from this recipe.)
  7. Restart Vivado. Then in Vivado, update the block diagram. There is a very long list of changes to make! At the end of the changes, we'll show a picture of what the updated block diagram should look like, so that you can double-check that you've made all the changes correctly.

    • Double click on the block diagram file m3_for_arty_a7_i in the Design Sources tree; there will be errors but that's ok.

    • in the block diagram window, delete the following blocks:

      • axi_gpio_0
      • axi_gpio_1
      • axi_quad_spi_0
      • daplink_if_0
    • delete the following ports which are now dangling:

      • rgb_led
      • led_4bits
      • dip_switches_4bits
      • push_button_4bits
      • qspi_flash
      • DAPLink
    • connect the dangling usb_uart port to the axi_uartlite_0 block

    • Add AXI GPIO block:

      • rick-click on diagram > Add IP, search "gpio", select AXI GPIO
      • double-click the newly created axi_gpio_0 block to configure it:
        • select "All Outputs"
        • set width to 1
        • click OK
      • connect left-side ports of axi_gpio_0 block:
        • S_AXI to M01_AXI port on the axi_interconnect_0 block
        • s_axi_aclk to the same wire that goes to the s_axi_aclk port of other blocks
        • same for s_axi_aresetn
      • right-click on GPIO port of axi_gpio_0 block and select "Create Interface Port"; name it gpio_rtl_0
    • Update axi_interconnect_0 block:

      • move the M03_AXI connection on the interconnect to M02_AXI so that only the first three Mxx_AXI ports are used
      • double-click on the axi_interconnect_0 block to edit its properties; change number of master interfaces from 6 to 3
    • Double-click on the axi_uartlite_0 block to edit its configuration:

      • change AXI clock frequency from AUTO to MANUAL and set it to 20 MHz
      • set the baud rate you intend to use; we'll use 38400
      • click OK
    • Double-click the Clocks_and_Resets block:

      • delete the clk_wiz_0, proc_sys_reset_DAPLink, i_interconnect_aresetn, i_peripheral_aresetn1, and i_sysresetn_or blocks
      • delete the dangling clk_qspi and aux_reset_in ports
      • connect the mb_reset output of proc_sys_reset_base to the input of i_inv_dbgresetn and to the input of i_in_sysresetn1
      • connect the interconnect_aresetn output of proc_sys_reset_base to the interconnect_aresetn output port
      • connect the peripheral_aresetn output of proc_sys_reset_base to the peripheral_aresetn output port
      • connect the sysresetreq input pin to the mb_debug_sys_rst input of proc_sys_reset_base
      • connect the xlconstant_1 output to the aux_reset_in input of proc_sys_reset_base
      • right-click in the design window, select "Add Module" and select clk_select.v.
      • Add a connection from clk_select_0->sys_clock to the sys_clock input pin.
      • right-click in the design window, select Create Pin, and create an input pin named "locked_i"; connect it to the dcm_locked input of proc_sys_reset_base
      • connect the sys_clock input to the clk_cpu output and to the proc_sys_reset_base slowest_sync_clk input
      • the Clocks_and_Resets block diagram should now look like this: picture
    • Returning to the main block diagram, right-click in the design window, Create Port, and fill in these properties:

      • name: ext_clock
      • direction: output
      • type: clock
      • click OK
      • wire the newly-created ext_clock to the clk_cpu net picture
    • Repeat the above to create an input data pin named locked, connected to the locked_i input of Clocks_and_Resets

    • Repeat the above to create an output data pin named M3_RESET_OUT, connected to the sysresetn output of Clocks_and_Resets

    • Delete the tri_io_buf_0 block

      • delete the dangling TDO[0:0] output port
      • for each of the following Cortex_M3_0 outputs, right-click on the output pin, select Create Port, and accept the defaults:
        • TDO
        • nTDOEN
        • SWV
    • Add many more missing ports:

      • right-click on the SWDITMS input of the Cortex_M3_0 block and select "Create Port"

        • change name to SWDI, set type to data
      • do the same with SWCLKTCK input of the Cortex_M3_0 block

        • name: SWCLK
        • direction: input
        • type: clock
        • frequency (MHz): 20
      • select CM3_CODE_AXI3 port of Cortex_M3_0 block, then right-click in the design window and select "Create Interface Port"; keep the pre-filled values and click OK

      • right-click on CM3_CODE_AXI3 output port, select "External Interface Properties", and set the Clock Port to ext_clk

      • for each of the JTAGNSW, JTAGTOP, SWDO, SWDOEN ports of the Cortex_M3_0 block:

        • select the port, then right-click in the design window, select "Create Port", and accept the default pre-filled values
    • Delete the xlconcat_1 block

      • right-click the CFGITCMEN[1:0] input of the Cortex_M3_0 block and select "Create Port"; accept pre-filled settings and click "OK"
    • Almost done! This is the last big step:

      • double-click the xlconstant_1 block and change the "Const Val" field from 1 to 0; click OK
      • right-click the xlconstant_1 block, select copy
      • right-click in the design window and select paste; repeat this 6 times
        • this will create the blocks xlconstant_2 through to xlconstant_7
      • connect the dout port of each of our seven xlconstant_* blocks to an unconnected In* port of the xlconcat_0 block
      • you should have something that looks like this:
    • Assign missing addresses: switch to the Address Editor tab

      • assign an address to axi_gpio_0 by right-clicking in its Offset Address column and select "Assign Address"
      • do the same to CM3_CODE_AXI3
    • Configure Arm processor (optional): there are a limited number of configuration options. The default values are fine, but you may wish to enable additional debug facilities.

    • The block diagram changes are now done; verify that it looks like this:

    • Phew! Now save and validate:

      • File -> Save Block Design
      • Tools -> Validate Design
      • If you get a "Validation successful" message: congratulation! You've completed the most tedious part of the porting exercise! Otherwise, any errors must be investigated and resolved. picture
  8. Change the target from Arty to CW305:

    • Settings > Device > Parts: choose the correct part for your target
      • for the CW305 this is either xc7a100tftg256-2 or xc7a35tftg256-2
      • for the CW312 A35 target this is xc7a35tcsg324-1
    • upgrade IP blocks as required: next to the message "The design has 23 blocks that should be upgraded.", click on "Report IP Status", then "upgrade selected"
    • you will see three critical warnings related to the proc_sys_reset_base blocks
      • open the proc_sys_reset_base block (inside the Clocks_and_Resets block) and fix its configuration: - set Ext Reset Active Width to 1 - set Aux Reset Active Width to 1
    • save and validate again (there should be no errors or critical warnings)
    • click on "Generate Block Design" (should be clean)
  9. Replace the top-level design file:

    • File > Add Sources > Add or create design sources > Next;
      • Add Files, select all *.v files in src/hardware/
      • select "Copy sources into project"; Finish
    • in the Sources tree, right-click on CW305_designstart_top.v and select "Set As Top"
    • right-click on the old top-level file, m3_for_arty_a7_wrapper, and select Remove File from Project
    • also remove tri_io_buf from the project
  10. Replace the constraint file:

    • File > Add Sources > Add or create constraints > Next;
    • in the Sources tree, expand Constraints and constrs_1, right-click the file you just added, select "Set as Target Constraint File"
    • remove the other two constraint files (m3_for_arty_a7.xdc, m3_for_arty_a7_impl.xdc) from the project
  11. Generate the FPGA PLL: this is needed because we've deleted the PLL from the clocks_and_resets block and moved it to the top-level Verilog. Under "Project Manager", click on "IP Catalog", search for "clock wizard", and double-click on the "Clocking Wizard" search result (Customize IP). In the "Clocking Options" tab, select the following options:

    • MMCM
    • Frequency Synthesis
    • Phase Alignment
    • Safe Clock Startup
    • Balanced
    • set clk_in1 frequency to 100 MHz

    In the "Output Clocks" tab, set the following:

    • clk_out1 requested frequency to 100 MHz
    • clocking feedback: Automatic Control On-Chip
    • Enable Optional Inputs/Outputs: enable locked, disable reset

    Then click "OK", and "generate" (this can take a while).

  12. If using the CW312 A35 target, go to Tools -> Settings -> Project Settings -> General -> Verilog options, click on the three dots (...), and add a define with a name of SS2_WRAPPER (no value needed).

  13. Generate the FPGA bitstream: in the Flow Navigator pane, select "Generate Bitstream". This will take on the order of 30 minutes. There should be no errors, but there will be warnings. In particular, timing will not be met: I haven't figured out how to change the target clock rate from 100 MHz to something more reasonable. We'll be setting the actual clock to something much lower, so that's ok.

    It's possible that a "route_design ERROR" will occur. The runme.log file in the implementation directory would show no errors, and hs_err_pidXXXXX.log would show: "An unexpected error has occurred (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)". In this case, try to generate the bistream again (and again?) until it completes successfully. Thanks Vivado :-)

  14. File > Export > Export Hardware, to V:/software

Generate the BSP (Board Support Package)

  1. In Vivado, select File > Launch SDK:

    • set exported location to V:/software/
    • set workspace to V:/software/CW305_DesignStart/sdk_workspace/
  2. In the Xilinx SDK tool, select File > New > Board Support Package. Ensure that CW305_designstart_top_hw_platform_0 is selected in the Hardware Platform dropdown; click Finish.

    • In the BSP Setting pop-up, change the OS version to 6.7.
    • Under "Overview", click on standalone.
    • Even though stdin and stdout are both correctly set to axi_uartlite_0, they must each be changed to none and then back to axi_uartlite_0; failure to do this will possible result in a non-functional UART peripheral. Then, click OK.
  3. To ensure that the UART is properly configured, in Project Explorer on the left-hand side, navigate to standalone_bsp_0/Cortex_M3_0/include, open xparameters.h, and verify that STDIN_BASEADDRESS and STDOUT_BASEADDRESS are defined: picture

  4. Copy xpseudo_asm_rcvt.c and xpseudo_asm_rcvt.h from: V:\vivado\Arm_sw_repository\CortexM\bsp\standalone_v6_7\src\arm\cortexm3\armcc\ to: V:\software\CW305_DesignStart\sdk_workspace\standalone_bsp_0\Cortex_M3_0\include\

  5. Add C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\bin\ to your system path envar and add C:\Xilinx\Vivado\2019.1\bin\ to your user path envar.

  6. You can now exit the Xilinx SDK as we will not be using it any further.

Prepare to compile software

  1. Edit v:\software\CW305_DesignStart\Build_Keil\make_hex_a7.bat:

    • change second last line from: copy bram_a7.* ..\..\..\hardware\m3_for_arty_a7\m3_for_arty_a7 to: copy bram_a7.* ..\..\..\hardware\CW305_DesignStart\
    • delete this last line: copy qspi_a7.hex ..\..\..\hardware\m3_for_arty_a7\testbench
    • change all instances of m3_for_arty_a7.axf to CW305_DesignStart.axf
  2. Copy the following files from V:\hardware\m3_for_arty_a7\m3_for_arty_a7\ to V:\hardware\CW305_DesignStart\:

    • make_prog_files.bat
    • make_prog_files.tcl
    • make_mmi_file.tcl
  3. Edit v:/hardware/CW305_DesignStart/make_prog_files.tcl:

    • change source_bit_file to ./CW305_DesignStart.runs/impl_1/CW305_designstart_top.bit
    • rename output_bit_file to CW305_DesignStart.bit
    • rename output_mcs_file to CW305_DesignStart.mcs
  4. Copy the following from src/software to v:/software/CW305_DesignStart/:

    • cw_main.c to v:/software/CW305_DesignStart/main/
    • cw_gpio.c and cw_gpio.h to v:/software/CW305_DesignStart/gpio/
    • simpleserial directory to v:/software/CW305_DesignStart/
    • crypto directory to v:/software/CW305_DesignStart/
  5. Copy project file CW305_DesignStart.uvprojx to v:/software/CW305_DesignStart/Build_Keil/

Update MMI file

The Cortex target's program memory is local to the FPGA, and the program memory contents is included in the FPGA bitfile. When we generated the bitfile a few steps ago, this was done using the reference program provided by Arm for their DesignStart reference design. Obviously, that won't work for us.

Fortunately, it's possible to update the program memory content in an existing FPGA bitfile without having to regenerate the bitfile from scratch. Xilinx uses an MMI file to describe the location of internal FPGA memories, so that their contents may be updated. First we must generate this MMI file:

  1. Edit the set part line in V:/hardware/CW305_DesignStart/make_mmi_file.tcl to set the correct part for your CW305 board (xc7a100tftg256-2 or xc7a35tftg256-2).

  2. In Vivado, reopen the project and in the sidebar click "Open Implemented Design", then in the Tcl console, navigate to project directory and run: source make_mmi_file.tcl

Compile software

  1. Open the project file (CW305_DesignStart.uvprojx) in Keil and select Project > Rebuild all target files

  2. Build should be clean except for several warnings from Xilinx SDK file xil_assert.h having "last line of file ends without a newline"; consider fixing this to have a clean build.

  3. Note that make_hex_a7.bat is automatically run post-build, and any errors in that script will not be captured in the final tally of errors and warnings, so look at the build output carefully to make sure that it did in fact run cleanly.

Update FPGA bitfile

In v:/hardware/CW305_DesignStart, run the make_prog_files.bat script to stitch the Cortex program data into the FPGA bitfile that we generated previously. This should take less than a minute -- orders of magnitude faster than re-generating a bitfile from scratch!

Caution! This can silently fail if the MMI file has not been updated. There will be no indication of any errors, other than an unresponsive target processor.


Now you can have fun! One thing you can do is try some of the ChipWhisperer tutorials. Since we have built a target which looks and feels like an STM32 target (as far as the ChipWhisperer capture hardware is concerned), any of the tutorials which support the CWLITEARM platform should work (if not, read on to debugging below).

Simply skip over the initial part of the tutorials which deals with programming the target. This means you do not use STM32FProgrammer. Do not run the %run "Helper_Scripts/Setup_Generic.ipynb" cell; on the CW305, use the Setup_DesignStart.ipynb notebook supplied here.

On the CW312-A35, set up as follows:

target =, cw.targets.SimpleSerial)
scope.clock.clkgen_freq = 20e6

The following tutorials have been verified to succeed:

Note that communication with the softcore is done over the UART interface, using the IO1 and IO2 lines of the 20-pin ChipWhisperer connector (i.e. just like with our "normal" microprocessor targets), not the CW305 USB interface. This means that the CW305 cannot be used in standalone mode; it needs to be connected to a ChipWhisperer capture device.

Do not try to run the "normal" CW305 FPGA target notebooks (like this one); these notebooks communicate with the target using the USB interface. That USB interface is not connected to the DesignStart softcore, and so these notebooks will not work with this DesignStart core.

CW305 switches

The SW4 push-button is connected to the M3 reset; it can be used to reset the running program.

The J16 DIP-switch selects the M3 input clock:

  • 0: the input clock is the CW305 PLL1
  • 1: the input clock is the HS2 pin (e.g. clkgen from ChipWhisperer) The Setup_DesignStart.ipynb notebook expects J16 to be set to 0.

Refer to the CW305 documentation for more information on the features and capabilities of the CW305 board.

The CW312 A35 lacks these bells and whistles.

Clock glitching (CW305 only)

The DesignStart reference design included a PLL to clean up the input clock; we removed this when we modified the Clocks_and_Resets block in Vivado, because it's been moved to the top-level CW305_designstart_top.v Verilog file. This was done to allow you to selectively bypass this PLL, which can be useful for clock glitching. When the PLL is bypassed, the input clock goes directly to the Arm core.

To bypass the PLL, call bypass_fpga_pll(). To use the PLL (which is the default behaviour out of reset), call use_fpga_pll(). These functions are defined in src/jupyter/Setup_DesignStart.ipynb.

On the CW312-A35, you'll have to customize and rebuild to get this functionality.

FPGA and target resets (CW305 only)

The pushbutton labeled "FPGA R1 USR SW4" (near the 3 side SMA connectors) resets the CW305 FPGA (including the Arm DesignStart core).

The FPGA can also be reset by calling reset_fpga() (defined in src/jupyter/Setup_DesignStart.ipynb).

Finally, to reset only the Arm core, use reset_arm_target().

Currently the only FPGA logic which is unaffected by the Arm core reset is the PLL bypass setting, but if you extend this work and add more FPGA logic, you may find it useful to have the two separate resets.

Resetting the Arm core is sometimes required after startup. If the target is unresponsive (e.g. captures time out with no trigger), try resetting the target.

Next steps

Software modifications

Modifying the target software is easy. Make your changes and rebuild in Keil, then update the previous FPGA bitfile with the make_prog_files.bat script. No need to recompile the FPGA bitfile from scratch.

Additional information for clock glitching

For clock glitching you probably do not want to use the clock wizard. Thus, the PLL should be bypassed. One thing to consider is that the softcore processor now directly utilizes the sys_clock instead of stabilizing the clock in the FPGA DCM. This clock is running at a 20MHz by default.

Furthermore, the glitched clock signal from the capture device is coming in on hs2. We can enable and disable glitching then with

# Enable glitching = "glitch"

# Disable glitching = "clkgen"

Here are some other notes when wanting to clock glitch the softcore.

Problem: corruption of instruction data

Compared to the ASIC, it is relatively easy to corrupt the memory holding the code data. This will usually show itself as only receiving the following error after a while.

WARNING:ChipWhisperer Scope:Timeout in OpenADC capture(), no trigger seen! Trigger forced, data is invalid.

This will persist even if you restart your measurement. If you want do normal measurements again, you need to reset the FPGA.

ftarget =
	scope, cw.targets.CW305,
	fpga_id='100t', # or the other board

Hardware modifications

In this example, there is minimal FPGA logic alongside the Arm target. The CW305 FPGA has lots of space remaining for your ideas! Our DesignStartTrace project is one example of what you can do, and gives an worked-out example of adding configuration registers and setting them from Python.

Keep in mind that whenever a new bitstream is generated in Vivado, the make_mmi_file.tcl and make_prog_files.bat scripts must be re-run.

Additionally, if the address map changed, then the BSP also needs to be regenerated.

Finally, update the FPGA bitfile with the make_prog_files.bat script.


The three LEDs located above the SMA connectors on the bottom of the CW305 provide some limited visibility into the target status:

  • Red LED (LED7): Cortex clock, should be periodically toggling. If it's constantly on or off, then the Cortex has no clock. The clock is generated on the CW305 itself. Check your modifications to the Clocks_and_Resets block.
  • Green LED (LED5): Cortex reset signal, should be off. If it's on, then the Cortex reset signal hasn't been released. Again, check your modifications to the Clocks_and_Resets block.
  • Blue LED (LED6): UART activity. Should see fast bursts of activity whenever there is UART traffic. Check your modifications to the axi_uartlite_0 block. Inactivity can also be caused by mistakes in the bitfile update flow.

On the CW312-A35, these map to LED1/2/3 respectively on the CW313.

If you get clean FPGA and software builds but yet the target isn't responding, here is a list of possible causes:

  • Did you update the MMI file?
  • Did you try resetting the target?
  • There are a number of scripts which move the executable generated by Keil towards its final destination in the FPGA bitfile; make sure these all ran cleanly:
    • Keil build outputs are in v:/software/CW305_DesignStart/Build_Keil/objects
    • the make_hex_a7.bat script creates bram_a7.elf and bram_a7.hex in v:/software/CW305_DesignStart/Build_Keil and in v:/hardware/CW305_designstart
    • the make_prog_files.bat script creates the final bitfile: v:/hardware/CW305_DesignStart/CW305_DesignStart.bit
  • If the CFGITCMEN[1:0] inputs aren't properly assigned, the processor will attempt to fetch the program from the wrong place.
  • If the modifications to the Clocks_and_Resets blocks weren't done properly, clocks and resets may not be getting propagated correctly. Note that there are several internal resets, not just the one which is routed to LED5.

If you're still stuck, try simulation, ILAs, or routing internal signals to the JP3 header. Simulation is probably the right choice, unless you enjoy FPGA hell. DesignStart comes with a Verilog testbench (see v:/docs/arm_cortex_m3_designstart_fpga_xilinx...pdf), but you will need to modify it to account for the changes we have made to the design.

Once you've determined that there are no hardware issues, you can move on to software. If you have an external debugger, connect it to the the JTAG or SWD signals which have been routed to the JP3 header (refer to the CW305_designstart.xdc constraints file for details).

Debugging has been successfully tested using a Segger J-link Plus, using either the JTAG or SWD interface, with speed set to "auto".

On the CW312-A35, set CW JTAG select switches 1-4 to "on" to connect the "FPGA Jaytag" header to the DesignStart soft-core JTAG.


Instruction and files for porting Arm DesignStart to CW305.






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