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Indy ROS1


Indy is Neuromeka's flagship cobot model we designed and manufactured. Guaranteeing workers safety based on innovative collision detection algorithms, Indy supports more intuitive direct teaching by impedance control as well as online and offline programming with the teach pendant app running on android tablets.

This repository contains ROS1 Noetic drivers for Indy7, Indy7V2, IndyRP2, IndyRP2V2, Indy12 and Indy12V2.


The following software needs to be installed:

  • ROS1 Noetic
  • indyDCP3
    pip3 install neuromeka
    pip3 install --upgrade neuromeka


Install dependencies

sudo apt install ros-noetic-ros-control \
ros-noetic-ros-controllers \
ros-noetic-industrial-robot-client \
spacenavd \
ros-noetic-ompl \
ros-noetic-spacenav-node \
ros-noetic-warehouse-ros-mongo \
ros-noetic-moveit-ros \
ros-noetic-moveit-servo \
ros-noetic-moveit-planners \

Download the source code and build

git clone <this repository url>
cd ~/indy-ros/
catkin_init_workspace src/
sudo chmod +x src/indy_driver/src/*

Source the setup file

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
source devel/setup.bash


Use indy_type to choose specific robot (indy7, indy7_v2, indy12, indyrp2, indyrp2_v2).
Use indy_eye to enable Indy Eye model (support indy7, indyrp2).
To enable Indy Eye, add indy_eye:=true to the end of command

If not specified, the default value will be indy7.
When used with a real robot, you need to provide an indy_ip value.

Servoing mode with Keyboard
Common Use
Use arrow keys and the '.' and ';' keys to Cartesian jog
Use 'W' to Cartesian jog in the world frame, and 'E' for the End-Effector frame
Use 'N' 'M' ',' for the Task move UVW
Use 1|2|3|4|5|6|7 keys to joint jog. 'R' to reverse the direction of jogging.
Use '-' '+' to adjust joint speed
Use '9' '0' to adjust task speed
'Q' to quit.
On Real Robot
Use 'H' to move Home, 'Z' to move Zero, 'S' to Recover, 'P' to stop Teleop\

Generate your URDF files
You can generate your URDF files using file in indy_description/urdf folder

cd </..path../>
sudo chmod +x

Start Indy description

roslaunch indy_description indy_description.launch indy_type:=indy7_v2

Simulation Robot

Start Indy Robot

roslaunch indy_gazebo indy_gazebo.launch indy_type:=indy7_v2

Start Indy with MoveIt

Open new terminal and run following command:

roslaunch indy_moveit moveit_gazebo.launch indy_type:=indy7_v2

Start Indy with Servoing Open 2 new terminals and run following commands:

Launch spacenav

roslaunch indy_moveit spacenav.launch

Change controller for gazebo

rosservice call /controller_manager/switch_controller "start_controllers: ['joint_group_position_controller']
stop_controllers: ['joint_trajectory_controller']
strictness: 0
start_asap: false
timeout: 0.0"

You should see the result as below:

Start servo with keyboard

roslaunch indy_driver indy_servo_keyboard.launch

Real Robot

Start Indy Robot

Start Indy with rviz

roslaunch indy_driver indy_bringup.launch rviz:=true

Start Indy with MoveIt

Please close Indy with rviz and start this 2 commands:

roslaunch indy_driver indy_bringup.launch
roslaunch indy_moveit moveit_indy.launch

Start Indy with Servoing

Open 2 new terminals and run following commands:

Launch spacenav

roslaunch indy_moveit spacenav.launch

Start servo with keyboard

roslaunch indy_driver indy_servo_keyboard.launch is_sim:=false


ros packages for indy robots






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