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Closed Oct 31, 2023 100% complete

Point release primarily to address possible 2.8.0 fallout, and possibly some tickets in general and/or 2.7.5 planned remainders (unfinished goals can go to 2.8.2+):

  • (expected) clean-up of libusb API variants support [#300 and follow-ups]
  • (expected) CI automation for coding style (clang-format)
  • (expected) CI automation for use of data points in drivers th…

Point release primarily to address possible 2.8.0 fallout, and possibly some tickets in general and/or 2.7.5 planned remainders (unfinished goals can go to 2.8.2+):

  • (expected) clean-up of libusb API variants support [#300 and follow-ups]
  • (expected) CI automation for coding style (clang-format)
  • (expected) CI automation for use of data points in drivers that conform to patterns defined in docs/nut-names.txt
  • (expected) Porting of performance and bug fixes from 42ITy project
  • (expected) Bug fixes for fallout possible due to "fightwarn" effort in 2.7.5/2.8.0

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.