This tool helps to identify Throughput available on a device. Tests results are displayed on the command line and in log files.
- Windows and Mac supported, Linux will come next
- Leverage download to Google Drive to calculate end to end performances
- Calculate average on multiple iterations
- CPU and latency recording
- Latency and routing logging
Rights to execute powershell script.
To enable Powershell rights, the following powershell command needs to be executed by an Administrator:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Netskope Performance troubleshooting tool.
V:\ns_speedtest\ns_speedtest.ps1 [[-Size] <Int32>] [[-Interval] <Int32>] [[-Loops] <Int32>] [-Help] [-Report] [-Quiet]
[-NoFiles] [-Pcap] [[-Comment] <String>] [[-Url] <String>] [[-LogFolder] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
This script helps to identify Throughput available on a device. Tests results are displayed on the command line and in
log files.
-Size <Int32>
Download size in MB
-Interval <Int32>
Waiting time between downloads, in seconds
-Loops <Int32>
Number of tests
-Help [<SwitchParameter>]
This help.
-Report [<SwitchParameter>]
Turn on report mode, display all informations recorded. By default log files includes all informations, and the
command line a condensed output.
-Quiet [<SwitchParameter>]
Turn on quiet mode, no output will be displayed on the command line, use the log files to get test results
-NoFiles [<SwitchParameter>]
Disable all file logging.
-Pcap [<SwitchParameter>]
Perform packet capture at the same time.
-Comment <String>
Test comment, please write context related to the test.
-Url <String>
Destination url downloaded to evaluation the throughput. By default, the script use Google Drive.
-LogFolder <String>
Define the location of the log files. By default logs are store in Netskope Client log folder
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see
about_CommonParameters (https:/
To see the examples, type: "get-help V:\ns_speedtest\ns_speedtest.ps1 -examples".
For more information, type: "get-help V:\ns_speedtest\ns_speedtest.ps1 -detailed".
For technical information, type: "get-help V:\ns_speedtest\ns_speedtest.ps1 -full".
For online help, type: "get-help V:\ns_speedtest\ns_speedtest.ps1 -online"
Simple run with default parameters:
Use 10MB instead of 100MB for download size:
ns_speedtest.ps1 -Size 10
Use 3 tests with 5s interval
ns_speedtest.ps1 -Loops 3 -Interval 5
Rights to execute script.
The following command needs to be performed to make the script executable
chmod a+x
Usage: ./ [-s <10|100>] [-i <interval>] [-l <loops>] [-c <comment>] [-u <download url>] [-r] [-q] [-n] [-f <folder>] [-p] [-h]
-c comment
-i inverval in seconds
-l loops
-s download size in MB (10 or 100)
-u custom download URL (otherwise Google Drive is used)
-r report mode, enable report mode on stdout, providing verbose output
-q quiet mode, disable output to the stdout
-n No Files mode, disable saving results in files
-f custom folder to save log files, by default Netskope Client log folder is used
-p perform inner capture at the same time
-h help
Simple run with default parameters:
Use 10MB instead of 100MB for download size:
./ -s 10
Use 3 tests with 5s interval
./ -l 3 -i 5