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Auto generating UML code diagrams for Python and Java


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Python package for auto-generating code diagrams

What is that?

Specifipy helps you visually understand code. It generates UML code diagrams for your object-oriented programs showing you the inheritance, interfaces, fields, methods and functions. Assuming you need to provide a very detailed documentation of your OO software, see if the things make sense or not, you're going through some kind of audit - it might prove useful.

How to use that?

Scanning directory and generating diagrams for all files

Import the specifipy class you need. If you want to recursively scan the directory (probably the most common usecase) just follow these steps:

from specifipy.file_scanners.directory_scanner import DirectoryScanner
d = DirectoryScanner("/path/to/your/src/directory")

This will create all the diagrams for all the files that contain Python classes right in your working dir. You can, of course, provide the directory in make_diagrams to have the output file wherever you wish.

Using Java?

In such case, you'll need to provide additional arguments, like this:

from specifipy.file_scanners.directory_scanner import DirectoryScanner
from specifipy.parsers.generic_parser import FileType
d = DirectoryScanner("/path/to/your/src/directory", FileType.JAVA)

In-place diagram generation

If you want to generate diagram in-place, for a single file, you can just load its context into a string and then provide it directly to the DiagramGenerator, like this:

from specifipy.parsers.diagram_generator_d2 import DiagramGenerator

diagram_generator = DiagramGenerator()

Of course, you can provide as file_contents_str any valid code however you'd like, not only from a file.

Available parsers

Currently, there are two parsers available - one for Java and one for Python:

Diagram example

The complete diagram for the below code:

class BaseClassForTest:

class SomeTest(BaseClassForTest):

class ComplexNumber(SomeTest):
    This is a class for mathematical operations on complex numbers.

        real (int): The real part of complex number.
        imag (int): The imaginary part of complex number.

    def __init__(self, real, imag):
        The constructor for ComplexNumber class.

           @:param real (int): The real part of complex number.
           @:param imag (int): The imaginary part of complex number.
        self.real = real

    def add(self, num):
        The function to add two Complex Numbers.

            num (ComplexNumber): The complex number to be added.

            ComplexNumber: A complex number which contains the sum.

        re = self.real + num.real
        im = self.imag + num.imag

        return ComplexNumber(re, im)

...looks something like this: Example 1

or for the code:

class MathOperation:

class Addition(MathOperation):

    type_annotated_field_in_class: int
    not_annotated_field = 0

    def __init__(self, numbers: list[int]):
        self.numbers = numbers

    def sum_numbers(self) -> int:
        running_sum: int = 0
        for number in self.numbers:
            running_sum += number

        return running_sum

it'll be something closer to this: Example 2

And here's this exact codebase (including examples above): Codebase example

So, in reality you get a d2 file (or a set of d2 files, depending on the collect_files parameter). Your actual output follows the d2 specification:

direction: up
BaseClassForTest: {
  shape: class
SomeTest: {
  shape: class
ComplexNumber: {
  __init__(self, real, imag): 'None'
  add(self, num): 'None'
  shape: class
SomeTest -> BaseClassForTest
ComplexNumber -> SomeTest

If you're generating Java code, the dotted line is used to indicate implemented interface instead of class inheritance, and private fields and methods are marked accordingly.

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