The Nerd Core classes provide a foundation for applications to be built.
It provides a kernel implementation that provides an event dispatch/notify interface, an object container and basic environment handling.
Creating an application kernel is simple:
use Nerd\Core\Kernel\Kernel
, Nerd\Core\Event\Dispatcher
, Nerd\core\Cotnainer\Container;
$dispatcher = new Dispatcher;
$container = new Container;
$kernel = new Kernel($dispatcher, $container);
Now we can add application objects to the container:
$container->set('logger', new Monolog);
And access them from anywhere in your application via the kernel object:
Register application event listeners and attach objects to the event:
$dispatcher->attach('application.start', new MyEventListener);
Attach data to the event instance:
$event = new Event('application.start');
$event->setArgument('loggerInstance', $kernel->getContainer()->get('logger'));
And Trigger them (optionally passing in an event object):
$dispatcher->dispatch('application.start', $event);
Include this package with composer, otherwise add the path to your PSR-0 compatible autoloader.
You can run the unit tests with the following command:
$ cd path/to/nerd-core/Nerd
$ composer.phar install --dev
$ phpunit