A coworking space to use during the trajectory of "Once Upon AI"
- Create an openai account
- Create an API key (can be done on openai website after loggin in, quick google search will help)
- Go to chatgpt.js and fill in the api key in the variable apiKey
- Done!
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
- Install FireFox https://www.mozilla.org/nl/firefox/new/
- Run this command in the commandline:
"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -kiosk -private-window https://once-upon-ai-git-web-development-onceuponai.vercel.app/en
TODO: use the production link
- You can save this command line in a Windows Link. Once saved, the link can be reused to quickly start up the kiosk