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Test suites for checking 3rd parties' compatibility

This repository contains compatibility tests for neon-env from different sources which runs in ci pipeline and check how neon-evm compatible with ethereum.


This project uses ALlure for test reporting.

Reports available at:

OpenZeppelin contracts testing

  1. Install node.js, allure (see the instruction below)
  2. Install neon-compatibility dependencies
  3. Update openzeppelin-contracts submodule
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Install openzeppelin dependencies
npm i
cd openzeppelin-contracts
npm i
  1. To work with the network of your interest copy or link the appropriate .env.* file into .env in the root of the solution
File Description
.env.devnet Devnet
.env.testnet Testnet
.env.internal.testnet Test stand
.env.local Local run in Docker
# in the neon-compatibility folder
rm .env
ln -s ./.env.local ./.env
  1. Run content of the .github/actions/openzeppelin-preparation, namely (assuming you are in the neon-compatibility folder):
# in the neon-compatibility folder
rm -rf openzeppelin-contracts
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd openzeppelin-contracts
mkdir allure-results
cp ../categories.json allure-results
cp ../hardhat.config.js ./
cp ../get_private_keys.js ./

Now you have:

  • the ./openzeppelin-contracts folder with some files and folders
  • the ./openzeppelin-contracts/hardhat.config.js file has the same content as ./hardhat.config.js with changes for neon testing
  • there is the ./openzeppelin-contracts/allure-results folder and categories.json inside it
  1. Run all the tests
# in the neon-compatibility/openzeppelin-contracts folder
env PRIVATE_KEYS=$(./get_private_keys.js) npx hardhat test
  1. Or run a subfolder with tests, for example
# in the neon-compatibility/openzeppelin-contracts folder
find "$(pwd)/test/finance" | grep test.js | echo $_ | env PRIVATE_KEYS=$(./get_private_keys.js) ../node_modules/.bin/hardhat test $_
  1. Or run a single test
# in the neon-compatibility/openzeppelin-contracts folder
env PRIVATE_KEYS=$(./get_private_keys.js) ../node_modules/.bin/hardhat test ./test/access/AccessControl.test.js
  1. Having finished, tests leave after themselves folder with test results ./openzeppelin-contracts/allure-results and you are ready to run allure and get the report
# in the neon-compatibility/openzeppelin-contracts folder
allure serve

You can if you with install hardhat globally by issuing the following command:

# in any folder
npm i -g hardhat


This instruction suggest using package managers heavily, you can obtain brew here: or use any alternative solution like SDKMAN, native package managers, etc Detailed instruction for Linux is here:

Globally (Mac OSX)

brew install [email protected]
brew install pipenv
brew install node
# npm is already here, otherwise brew install npm

brew install allure

Globally (Ubuntu 20.04)

# assuming that there already is Python 3.8.10,
# otherwise install it by issuing brew install [email protected]
# or any alternate package manager

# pip
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade pip

# pipenv
sudo apt install pipenv
pip install pipenv

# Node.js, npm
# Do not use standard Linux package manager for installing Node.js
# prefer using brew or nvm
brew install node
brew install npm

# Allure
# brew install gcc
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:qameta/allure
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install allure

Solution-level Node.js

cd neon-compatibility
npm i
npm audit fix --force

Solution-level Python

cd neon-compatibility
pipenv --python 3.8
pipenv sync


cd neon-compatibility
pipenv shell
pytest -rP --alluredir=allure-results
allure serve


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