This sample demonstrates how to use Azure Notification Hubs to send push notifications from an Azure Mobile Apps instance to a Xamarin.Forms application.
The app functionality is:
- View a list of tasks.
- Add a new item to the list of tasks.
- Set a task's status to 'completed'.
In all cases the tasks are stored in an Azure Mobile Apps instance.
Before you can use this sample, you must download google-services.json from the Firebase Console and add it to the Android project, replacing the dummy google-services.json file that's provided with this sample.
For more information about this sample see Sending Push Notifications from Azure Mobile Apps.
In order to run this sample application an Azure Mobile App must first be created. When creating an Azure Mobile Apps instance please ensure that the service uses a Node.js backend.
For information about how to Create an Azure Mobile App that can be consumed by Xamarin.Forms, see Consuming an Azure Mobile App.
David Britch