2021.2 doesn't bring any new features apart from being now a Java library supporting the Java module system not only with automatic module names but also with a correct module-info.java
when running on JDK 11+ on the module path.
The Cypher-DSL uses the technique of JEP 238: Multi-Release JAR Files to provide a module-info.java
for projects being on JDK 11+.
The MR-Jar allows us to compile for JDK 8 but also support JDK 11 (we choose 11 as it is the current LTS release as time of writing).
To use the Cypher-DSL in a modular application you would need to require the following modules:
module org.neo4j.cypherdsl.examples.core {
requires org.neo4j.cypherdsl.core;
This release comes with a small catch: We do support using some QueryDSL features. Query-DSL will have correct automatic module names in their 5.x release and we asked them to backport those to the 4.x line on which the Cypher-DSL optionally depends (See 2805).
Until then we statically require (that is "optional" in module speak) Query-DSL via the artifact name. This can cause errors when the artifact (querydsl-core.jar
) is renamed via the build process or similar. We are gonna improve that as soon as we can depend on fixed automatic module names.
Apart from this big change there is no change in any public API. This release should be a drop-in replacement for the prior.
A big thank you to @sormuras for his invaluable lessons about the Java module system.