A demo GCP 2nd gen Pub/Sub NodeJS cloud function triggered by scheduler via pub/sub messages containing a target website. The target website is tested for latency and related captured metrics, enriched by geo data using MaxMind geo-ip lite, are sent to ClickHouse Cloud.
- GCP: 2nd Gen Pub/Sub Cloud Function,pub/sub topic, cloud scheduler
- ClickHouse
- NodeJS
Beside having a GCP project active, you will need to have the following installed in your system:
- yarn 1.22.19
- node 20.3.0
- gcloud (CLI)
- ClickHouse Cloud trial (or run your own locally)
- Max Mind GEO Lite trial
You can get ClickHouse cloud trial here and a Max Mind Lite account here.
You will need to create a table in your default
database using this SQL CREATE TABLE statement.
The below commands will clone this repository on your local machine then install the required modules:
git clone https://github.com/nellicus/upclick-gcp
cd upclick-gcp
yarn install
will yield:
Cloning into 'upclick-gcp'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 32, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (32/32), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (25/25), done.
remote: Total 32 (delta 9), reused 29 (delta 6), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (32/32), 68.11 KiB | 929.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (9/9), done.
yarn install v1.22.19
[1/5] 🔍 Validating package.json...
[2/5] 🔍 Resolving packages...
[3/5] 🚚 Fetching packages...
[4/5] 🔗 Linking dependencies...
[5/5] 🔨 Building fresh packages...
✨ Done in 1.65s.
Create a file named .env.local
at the root of the project as:
APP_NAME: upclick_gcp
CLICKHOUSE_HOST: https://your_clickhouse_cloud_service.region.provider.clickhouse.cloud:8443
CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD: 'a_very_secret_password'
MAX_MIND_ACCOUNT_ID: your_max_mind_accound_id
MAXMIND_LICENSE_KEY: your_max_mind_license_key
Replace these values with ones specific to your environment.
Now that you have modules installed and secrets file in place, you can launch the function locally, this will be binding to localhost:8080
yarn start:local
yarn run v1.22.19
$ yarn build-local && cp .env.local dist/.env && cp .env.local .env && functions-framework --source=dist/index.js --target=upclick
$ yarn clean && tsc
$ rm -rf dist/
Loading env from /opt/test/upclick-gcp/.env
loaded secrets...
Serving function...
Function: upclick
Signature type: cloudevent
URL: http://localhost:8080/
This would normally be triggered by a pub/sub JSON payload in GCP, locally we simulate with the command ./commands/pub-sub-invoke-local.sh
this will send the base64 encoded representation of this payload:
See the pub-sub-invoke-local.sh script for generating a new payload using different target
So, in a new terminal, invoke the command:
while in the other terminal, our function will be running locally:
yarn start:local
yarn run v1.22.19
$ yarn build-local && cp .env.local dist/.env && cp .env.local .env && functions-framework --source=dist/index.js --target=upclick
$ yarn clean && tsc
$ rm -rf dist/
Loading env from /opt/test/upclick-gcp/.env
loaded secrets...
Serving function...
Function: upclick
Signature type: cloudevent
URL: http://localhost:8080/
these output lines below will indicate correct execution:
upclick function started...
Pub/Sub payload received: www.clickhouse.com
Sending metrics to ClickHouse...
A few preliminary steps are required before we can launch this on GPC.
You will want to make sure you're correctly set up with GCP CLI access using gcloud info
, this will print all the info related to your gcloud configuration including gcp-project in use.
First of all, the function will refer to a service account, that will be used by the function also in order to inherit it the necessary permissions, so the service account will need to be granted the below permissions:
- Cloud Run Developer
- Pub/Sub Lite Editor
See here for a list of available IAM Roles.
Since our function expects to find already a pub/sub topic with name upclick-pubsub-topic
, you will need to create such topic in your gpc project. You can do that via UI or via gcloud
from CLI with:
gcloud pubsub topics create upclick-pubsub-topic
Then, in order to have your JSON payloads regularly pushed to your topic upclick-pubsub-topic
, you will want to create a cloud scheduler, again this can be achieved both from GCP UI or gcloud
gcloud scheduler jobs create pubsub upclick-cloud-scheduler --topic upclick-pubsub-topic --schedule "* * * * *" --message-body '{"target":"www.clickhouse.com"}' --location europe-west1
name: projects/my-gcp-project/locations/europe-west1/jobs/upclick-cloud-scheduler
data: eyJ0YXJnZXQiOiJ3d3cuY2xpY2tob3VzZS5jb20ifQ==
topicName: projects/my-gcp-project/topics/upclick-cloud-scheduler
maxBackoffDuration: 3600s
maxDoublings: 16
maxRetryDuration: 0s
minBackoffDuration: 5s
schedule: '* * * * *'
state: ENABLED
timeZone: Etc/UTC
userUpdateTime: '2023-07-28T12:48:03Z'
Once that's done, you will have these JSON payloads pushed into your topic once a minute, so you can go ahead with below steps to actually deploy the function.
In order to deploy to all regions (gcloud functions
doesn't yet allow deploying to multiple regions in one go), we use a little bash script to help ourselves, feeding the $gcp_region value to the yarn deploy
Below the function execution output... truncated after the second region instance starts to be deployed:
yarn run v1.22.19
$ yarn build-local && yarn prep:dist && cd dist && gcloud functions deploy $npm_package_name --source=. --gen2 --trigger-topic=$npm_package_name-pubsub-topic --runtime=nodejs20 --memory=128MiB --entry-point=upclick --project $npm_package_config_gcp_project --service-account=$npm_package_config_gcp_service_account --region=asia-northeast1
$ yarn clean && tsc
$ rm -rf dist/
$ cp package.json dist/ && cp .env.local dist/.env
Preparing function...done.
X Deploying function...
[Build] Logs are available at [https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-build/builds;region=asia-northeast1/c8c635e6-7180-4b2d-bd3a-e3693115c1c9?project=994891621229]
✓ [Service]
✓ [Trigger]
. [ArtifactRegistry]
. [Healthcheck]
. [Triggercheck]
Completed with warnings:
[WARNING] *** Improve build performance by generating and committing package-lock.json.
You can view your function in the Cloud Console here: https://console.cloud.google.com/functions/details/asia-northeast1/upclick?project=my-gcp-project
build: projects/994891621229/locations/asia-northeast1/builds/c8c635e6-7180-4b2d-bd3a-e3693115c1c9
entryPoint: upclick
runtime: nodejs20
bucket: gcf-v2-sources-994891621229-asia-northeast1
generation: '1690547590958925'
object: upclick/function-source.zip
bucket: gcf-v2-sources-994891621229-asia-northeast1
generation: '1690547590958925'
object: upclick/function-source.zip
environment: GEN_2
eventType: google.cloud.pubsub.topic.v1.messagePublished
pubsubTopic: projects/my-gcp-project/topics/upclick-pubsub-topic
serviceAccountEmail: [email protected]
trigger: projects/my-gcp-project/locations/asia-northeast1/triggers/upclick-007172
triggerRegion: asia-northeast1
deployment-tool: cli-gcloud
name: projects/my-gcp-project/locations/asia-northeast1/functions/upclick
allTrafficOnLatestRevision: true
availableCpu: '0.0833'
availableMemory: 128Mi
ingressSettings: ALLOW_ALL
maxInstanceCount: 100
maxInstanceRequestConcurrency: 1
revision: upclick-00001-mip
service: projects/my-gcp-project/locations/asia-northeast1/services/upclick
serviceAccountEmail: [email protected]
timeoutSeconds: 60
uri: https://upclick-oqg7ghcnuq-an.a.run.app
state: ACTIVE
updateTime: '2023-07-28T12:34:52.416353122Z'
url: https://asia-northeast1-my-gcp-project.cloudfunctions.net/upclick
✨ Done in 117.50s.
yarn run v1.22.19
$ yarn build-local && yarn prep:dist && cd dist && gcloud functions deploy $npm_package_name --source=. --gen2 --trigger-topic=$npm_package_name-pubsub-topic --runtime=nodejs20 --memory=128MiB --entry-point=upclick --project $npm_package_config_gcp_project --service-account=$npm_package_config_gcp_service_account --region=europe-west1
$ yarn clean && tsc
$ rm -rf dist/
$ cp package.json dist/ && cp .env.local dist/.env
Preparing function...done.
⠛ Deploying function...
⠛ [Build] Build in progress... Logs are available at [https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-build/builds;region=europe-west1/19d752e1-7355-47df-bd00-7c008d00a6c6?project=994891621229]
. [Service]
. [Trigger]
. [ArtifactRegistry]
. [Healthcheck]
. [Triggercheck]
At this stage you should see in your GCP project, under Cloud functions menu:
in a few minutes all the four regions listed in the bash helper script should be up and running, and triggering every time the cloud scheduler previously setup will push a JSON payload to the related pub/sub topic on GPC; in a matter of minutes, you should start receiving data from all your cloud function in your ClickHouse Cloud instance:
clickhouse-cloud :) SELECT count(*),target,status_code,avg(latency) FROM upclick_metrics GROUP BY target,status_code
FROM upclick_metrics
Query id: d6b36a23-4ea8-4766-978f-0c3aaec45b1d
│ 197 │ www.clickhouse.com │ 200 │ 1693.1725888324872 │
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.003 sec.