This is a Movie Application which Includes recommender system.
visual studio 2019 - python
python libraries - surprise, tkinter, heapq, socket, os, csv, sys, re
This Application is based on client-server structure with is connected to each other by "socket".
the Login folder contain the client side and other folders contains server side.
ml-latest-small folder contain csv files.
In every server side program there is a file, change the url in code ratingsPath = 'E:\Neeraj\ml-latest-small\Testratings.csv' moviesPath = 'E:\Neeraj\ml-latest-small\movies.csv' also this maybe present in other part of code , change it.
Change the socket ip-adress every time you run.
Gui is not too much good looking.
you have to run all code at the time(client-server)
work properly
give 91% and more prediction