Library was deprecated in favor of @fullerstack/ngx-gtag
A simple GTAG module for Angular applications
npm i @nwx/gtag |OR| yarn add @nwx/gtag
// In your environment{prod,staging}.ts
import { AppCfg, TargetPlatform } from '@nwx/cfg';
import { LogLevels } from '@nwx/logger';
export const environment: AppCfg = {
// app name
appName: '@nwx/gtag',
// target (browser, mobile, desktop)
target: TargetPlatform.web,
// production, staging or development
production: true,
log: {
// log level (application-wide)
level: LogLevels.debug
gtag: {
// ability to disable tracking (ex; dev / staging mode)
isEnabled: true,
// google tracking ID for domain
trackingId: 'UA-XXXXXX-Y',
// track page view on start (on route changes)
routeChangeTracking: true
// In your app.module.ts
import { CfgModule } from '@nwx/cfg';
import { LoggerModule } from '@nwx/logger';
import { GtagModule } from '@nwx/gtag';
import { environment } from '../environments/environment';
declarations: [AppComponent],
imports: [
CfgModule.forRoot(environment), // make the environment injectable
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
// In your app.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { CfgService, DefaultCfg } from '@nwx/cfg';
import { LogService } from '@nwx/logger';
import { GtagService } from '@nwx/gtag';
selector: 'app-root',
template: `<h1>Welcome to {{ title }}!</h1>`
export class AppComponent {
title = 'Neekware';
options = {};
constructor(public cfg: CfgService, public log: LogService, public gtag: GtagService) {
this.title = this.cfg.options.appName;'AppComponent loaded ...');
// all route changes are tracked automatically from now on
trackDetailedEvent() {
// example of event with params
gtag.trackEvent('home-page', {
event_category: 'SEO',
event_label: 'Page loaded, anonymous user'
trackEvent() {
// example of event without params
// In your environment{prod,staging}.ts
import { AppCfg, TargetPlatform } from '@nwx/cfg';
import { LogLevels } from '@nwx/logger';
export const environment: AppCfg = {
appName: '@nwx/gtag',
// ...
gtag: {
// ability to disable tracking (ex; dev / staging mode)
isEnabled: true,
// google tracking ID for domain
trackingId: 'UA-XXXXXX-Y',
// track page view on start (on route change)
routeChangeTracking: false
// track page view manually with specific options
page_path: '/',
page_title: 'Home Page',
page_location: ''
// or with default options
// where defaults are:
// page_path = router.url
// page_title = [] | [environment.appName]
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', component: HomeComponent, { title: 'Home page direct' }},
{ path: 'home', component: HomeComponent, data: { title: 'Home page' } }
To run the tests against the current environment:
npm run ci:all
Released under a (MIT) license.
X.Y.Z Version
`MAJOR` version -- making incompatible API changes
`MINOR` version -- adding functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
`PATCH` version -- making backwards-compatible bug fixes