Uses Digital Ocean's RESTful API to spin up and shutdown droplets.
usage: [-h] -a {start,stop,status,rebuild} [-q Q] [-n N] [-t T] [--verbose]
Start and stop Digital Ocean Droplets.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a {start,stop,status,rebuild} Specify the action desired: start, stop, status, rebuild
-q Q Specify the number of droplets (Default is 5)
-n N Specify the hostname of the droplets (Default is 'server-')
-t T Specify timeout limit (in seconds) (default is 600 seconds)
--verbose, -v Add v to have limited verbosity, add another v to give debug messages
Clone the repo, modify the settings.conf.dist to contain your DigitalOcean API information and then rename it to settings.conf