pathfinder is a lightweight, HTTP-based router, built with node.js in mind, but can be used in the browser as well, since it has no external dependencies.
npm install ndugger/pathfinder --save
Simply import it at the top of a file, and go to town!
import * as Pathfinder from 'pathfinder';
Here's an example to give you an idea on how to use it with a node http server.
import http from 'http';
import url from 'url';
import * as Pathfinder from 'pathfinder';
const router = new Pathfinder.Router();
router.get('/', async request => {
return 'Hello, World!';
router.get('/{ foo }', async (request, { foo }) => {
return `Hello, ${ foo }!`;
http.createServer(async (request, response) => {
const path = url.parse(request.url).pathname;
const route = router.find(request.method, path);
if (route) {
response.end(await route.resolve(request, route.params));
pathfinder also supports "middleware", in that you can pass in an array of async functions
to be called before an action. Middleware functions should throw
a useful value that you
can use to send an error response to the client if it fails.
async function authenticate(request) {
if (!authenticated) {
throw new Error(401);
router.delete('/{ foo }', [ authenticate ], async (request, { foo }) => {
// if authenticate throws, this action will not be executed
if (route) try {
const result = await route.resolve(request, route.params);
catch (error) {
response.statusCode = error.message;
response.end(http.STATUS_CODES[ error.message ]);
router.connect('/', async request => {
// ...
router.delete('/', async request => {
// ...
router.get('/', async request => {
// ...
router.head('/', async request => {
// ...
router.options('/', async request => {
// ...
router.patch('/', async request => {
// ...
});'/', async request => {
// ...
router.put('/', async request => {
// ...
router.trace('/', async request => {
// ...
router.find('GET', '/');