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A Helm chart for deploying Labs Workbench on Kubernetes

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Workbench Helm chart

NDS Labs Workbench is an open-source platform for hosting and launching pre-packages apps for educational or workshop environments.


$ git clone && cd workbench-helm-chart/ 
$ helm dep up
$ helm upgrade --install workbench -n workbench --create-namespace .


This chart bootstraps a Workbench webui and apiserver on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


  • Kubernetes 1.22+
  • helm v3.7.0 or later (required)
  • make + kubectl docker + git (optional, for Developing the Chart)
  • yarn (optional, for local dev/compilation)

Installing the Chart

Download dependency subcharts by running the following:

$ helm dep up

Then install a new release with Helm:

$ helm upgrade --install workbench -n workbench --create-namespace .

Uninstalling the Chart

To shut down all Workbench dependencies, webui, and apiserver:

$ helm uninstall workbench -n workbench

NOTE: this does not shutdown or affect UserApps


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Workbench chart and their default values.


These options affect the Deployment resource created by this chart.

Path Type Description Default
controller.kind string Kind to use for application manifest Deployment
controller.images.webui string Image to use for webui container ndslabs/webui:2.0.0
controller.images.apiserver string Image to use for apiserver container ndslabs/apiserver:2.0.0 string (optional) Specify the serviceAccountName for this controller <release-name>
controller.serviceAccount.create bool If true, create a ServiceAccount for this release true
controller.extraInitContainers array[map] Specify initContainers for main application []
controller.extraLabels map Extra labels to apply to the controller/service {}
controller.extraEnv.webui array[map] Additional env to set for webui container []
controller.extraEnv.apiserver array[map] Additional env variables to set for apiserver container []
controller.extraVolumeMounts.webui array[map] Additional volumeMounts to set for webui container []
controller.extraVolumeMounts.apiserver array[map] Additional volumeMounts to set for apiserver container []
controller.extraVolumes array[map] Additional volumes to attach to the main application []


These options affect the Ingress resources created by this chart.

Path Type Description Default
ingress.class string Class name for Ingress resources "" string Host name to use for Ingress resources ""
ingress.tls array[map] TLS config to set for Ingress resources []
ingress.tls.hosts array[string] Host names to set for TLS on Ingress resource []
ingress.api.annotations map Annotations to set for api Ingress resource {}
ingress.api.extraRules array List of additional ingress rules for api Ingress resource []
ingress.webui.annotations map Annotations to set for webui Ingress resource {}
ingress.webui.extraRules array Lisst of additional ingress rules for webui Ingress resource []

Workbench Options

These options affect the internals of Workbench and the customization of the WebUI.

Frontend: Domain + Auth + UI Customizations

Path Type Description Default
config.frontend.domain string Domain name (used by backend for self-reference)
config.frontend.live_reload bool If true, change to use dev image ports (instead of port 80) when running dev image false
config.frontend.signin_url string URL to route frontend requests to "Log In"
config.frontend.signout_url string URL to route frontend requests to "Log Out"
config.frontend.customization.product_name string Human-friendly name to use for this product in the navbar Workbench
config.frontend.customization.landing_html string HTML string to use as the splash text on the Landing Page existing HTML
config.frontend.customization.favicon_path string Image to use as the favicon /favicon.svg
config.frontend.customization.brand_logo_path string Image to use as the brand log (top-left of navbar) /favicon.svg
config.frontend.customization.landing_header_1 string Header to display on the landing page (section 01) Find the tools you need
config.frontend.customization.landing_section_1 string Section body to display on the landing page (section 01) Search our catalog of web-based research and software tools. We offer over 30 different software tools that fit many common scenarios encountered in research software development. Find a set of tools to help you build out a new software product or extend an existing one.
config.frontend.customization.landing_header_2 string Header to display on the landing page (section 02) Run the tools on our cloud service
config.frontend.customization.landing_section_2 string Section body to display on the landing page (section 02) Once you've narrowed down your choices, launch your desired tool set on our cloud resources. Access your running applications using our web interface, and start integrating the tools and shaping your software product.
config.frontend.customization.learn_more_url string (currently unused) URL to use for the "Learn More" button on the Landing Page
config.frontend.customization.help_links array List of links to use in the navbar "Help" section existing URLs

Backend: Domain + Keycloak + MongoDB + UserApp Kubernetes Config

Path Type Description Default
config.backend.domain string URL of the apiserver
config.backend.namespace string Namespace where workbench should launch its applications workbench
config.backend.oauth.userinfoUrl string URL
config.backend.mongo.uri string URI pointing at running MongoDB instance mongodb://workbench-mongodb.workbench.svc.cluster.local:27017/ndslabs
config.backend.mongo.db string Database name to use in MongoDB ndslabs
config.backend.keycloak.hostname string URI pointing at running Keycloak instance
config.backend.keycloak.realmName string Realm name to use in Keycloak changeme
config.backend.keycloak.clientId string OIDC ClientID to use for Keycloak auth changeme
config.backend.keycloak.clientSecret string OIDC ClientSecret to use for Keycloak auth ""
config.backend.insecure_ssl_verify string If false, skip checking insecure/invalid TLS certificates true
config.backend.swagger_url string Override the URL of the Swagger spec for the running apiserver openapi/swagger-v1.yml
config.backend.userapps.singlepod string PVC name to use for mounting shared data false
config.backend.userapps.service_account_name string Name of the ServiceAccount to use for each UserApp workbench
config.backend.userapps.home_storage.enabled bool If true, mount user home folder to each UserApp false
config.backend.userapps.home_storage.storage_class string StorageClass to use for user Home volumes ""
config.backend.userapps.home_storage.claim_suffix string Suffix to append to names of user Home volumes home-data
config.backend.userapps.shared_storage.enabled bool If true, mount a Shared volume to each UserApp false
config.backend.userapps.shared_storage.mount_path string Path within the container to mount the Shared volume /shared
config.backend.userapps.shared_storage.read_only bool If true, mount the Shared volume as ReadOnly true
config.backend.userapps.shared_storage.claim_name string PVC name to use for mounting shared data workbench-shared-data
config.backend.userapps.ingress.annotations map Additional annotations to add to UserApp Ingress rules <auth annotations, etc>
config.backend.userapps.ingress.tls array[map] TLS config to set for Ingress resources []


Other miscellaneous top-level configuration options.

Path Type Description Default
extraDeploy array List of additional resources to create []
tolerations array List of tolerations to include []
resources.api map Resources to apply to api container {}
resources.webui map Resources to apply to webui container {}
nodeSelector map Node selector(s) to apply to webui container {}
affinity map Affinity to apply to webui container {}

Currently Unused?

These options are currently present, but may not yet be used.

Path Type Description Default
config.backend.domain string Domain name (used by backend for self-reference) kubernetes.docker.internal
config.backend.timeout int (currently unused) startup timeout for UserApps 30
config.backend.inactivity_timeout int (currently unused) Shut down inactive services after this many minutes 480
config.backend.specs.repo string (currently unused) Git repo from which to pull application specs
config.backend.specs.branch string (currently unused) Git branch from which to pull application specs master string (currently unused) StorageClass used to create the Shared volume nfs
ingress.userapps.annotations map Annotations to set for Ingress resources of created UserApps {}



To run a local mongodb alongside Workbench, you can set mongodb.enabled to true in the values.yaml:

  enabled: true
  # ... include any other config values from the mongodb chart
    rootUser: workbench
    rootPassword: workbench

See for configuration options

For more info about MongoDB, see

Keycloak + PostgreSQL

To run a local keycloak alongside Workbench, you can set keycloak.enabled to true in the values.yaml:

  enabled: true
  # ... include any other config values from the keycloak chart
  httpRelativePath: "/auth/"
     adminUser: "admin"
     adminPassword: "workbench"
  proxyAddressForwarding: true

See for configuration options

For more info about Keycloak, see

OAuth2 Proxy [+ Redis]

To run a local OAuth2 Proxy alongside Workbench, you can set oauth2-proxy.enabled to true in the values.yaml:

  enabled: true
  # ... include any other config values from the oauth2-proxy chart
    - --provider=keycloak-oidc

See for configuration options

For more info about OAuth2 Proxy, see

For more info about configuring specific providers, see

ReadWriteMany Volumes (NFS)

You'll need a StorageClass on your cluster that supports ReadWriteMany.

If you already have a volume provisioner running that supports ReadWriteMany, you can skip this section.

NOTE: You should only need the subdir OR the server, but you do not need to run both.

(Experimental) NFS Subdir External Provisioner: use an existing NFS server to provision RWM volumes

The NFS Subdir External Provisioner is a small piece of code that will talk to an existing NFS server to provision RWM volumes.

To run a local NFS Subdir External Provisioner alongside Workbench, you can set nfs-subdir-external-provisioner.enabled to true in the values.yaml:

  enabled: true
    # Use in-cluster DNS to resolve
    # server: "workbench-nfs-server-provisioner.workbench.svc.cluster.local"
    # Use external hostname
    server: ""
    path: "/taiga/ncsa/radiant/<PROJECT_ID>"
    - tcp
    - nfsvers=3

See for configuration options

NFS Server Provisioner: run your own NFS server to provision RWM volumes

To run a local NFS Server Provisioner alongside Workbench, you can set nfs-client-provisioner.enabled to true in the values.yaml:

  enabled: true
  # ... include any other config values from the nfs-server-provisioner chart

See for configuration options

Ingress Controller (NGINX)

To run a local NGINX Ingress Controller alongside Workbench, you can set ingress-nginx.enabled to true in the values.yaml:

  enabled: true
  # ... include any other config values from the ingress-nginx chart
    kind: Deployment

See for configuration options

For more info about NGINX Ingress Controller, see

Advanced Configuration (Optional)

Enable TLS with Wildcard DNS certs

  1. Install cert-manager Helm chart: jetstack/cert-manager
  2. Add an Issuer that support DNS-01 (see below):
kind: Issuer 
  name: letsencrypt-staging
  namespace: workbench
    # The ACME server URL
    # Email address used for ACME registration
    email: [email protected]
    # Name of a secret used to store the ACME account private key
      name: letsencrypt-staging
    # Enable the DNS-01 challenge provider
    - dns01:
        # ...
  1. Include tls section in the top-level ingress section of values.yaml:
  class: "nginx"
    - hosts:
      - ""
      - "*"

WARNING: Do not include the same issuer or cluster-issuer annotation on multiple ingress rules.

WARNING: LetsEncrypt will rate limit you if you request too many certs are requested for the same domain.

To avoid this, use the staging environment (as above) for testing.

When you are ready (after testing) to move from staging to real certs, you can use the production environment.


If your provider does not support DNS-01 requests (e.g. Google Domains), you can use ACMEDNS:

  1. Register with acmedns for a unique set of credentials: curl -XPOST
    • This will return a set of credentials as a JSON blob:
  1. Build up an acmedns.json file using this JSON blob:
    • You'll need to copy and paste this JSON value multiple times to build it up:
  "": {"username":"_username_","password":"_password_","fulldomain":"","subdomain":"_id_","allowfrom":[]},
  "*": {"username":"_username_","password":"_password_","fulldomain":"","subdomain":"_id_","allowfrom":[]}
  1. Create a secret from the acmedns.json file:
$ kubectl create secret -n cert-manager acme-dns --from-file=acmedns.json`
  1. Point an Issuer at the acme-dns secret:
kind: Issuer
  name: letsencrypt-staging
  namespace: workbench
    # The ACME server URL
    # Email address used for ACME registration
    email: [email protected]
    # Name of a secret used to store the ACME account private key
      name: letsencrypt-staging
    - dns01:
            name: acme-dns
            key: acmedns.json 
  1. Add the issuer annotation to your ingress.api.annotations section:
  class: "nginx"
    # ....
    annotations: "acmedns-staging" "true" "true"

Keycloak Realm Import

Download and import realm.json for a preconfigured workbench-dev realm:

$ kubectl create configmap keycloak-realm --from-file=realm.json -n workbench

Then add the following to your values.yaml:

      value: "-Dkeycloak.import=/config/realm.json"
    - name: config
      mountPath: "/config"
      readOnly: true
    - name: config
        name: keycloak-realm
        - key: "realm.json"
          path: "realm.json"

Developing the Chart (Optional)

Clone the Git repository locally:

$ git clone && cd workbench-helm-chart/

You can then use the Makefile helper script:

$ make help         # Print help message
$ make check_all    # verify that dependencies are installed

To install/uninstall the chart:

$ make dep          # Fetch Helm dependencies
$ make template     # Debug the Helm chart template
$ make install      # Install the Helm chart
$ make uninstall    # Uninstall the Helm chart

To debug Pods startup/runtime:

$ make describe
$ make target=api logs
$ make target=webui logs
$ make target=nginx logs
$ make target=proxy logs
$ make target=keycloak logs
$ make target=mongo logs

To build/push local Docker images:

$ make clone    # clone from git repos
$ make pull     # pull from git upstream
$ make build    # build docker images
$ make push     # push to docker hub - note: this also performs a "make build"
$ make restart  # delete the running Pod so it restart with new docker images

Optional: Makefile Configuration

Change the default parameters of the Makefile by editing the included .env file:

$ cat .env
# Success/failure symbols

# Helm chart config

# Docker image config

# Upstream Git repo/branch config

# Set this to empty to disable creating keycloak-realm ConfigMap

Optional: Map source into running containers (local dev / hostpath only)

Run make clone and make pull to grab the latest source code.

Use your favorite IDE(s) or local tools use them to import the src/webui source code and run make compile.

This will produce a new folder src/webui/build containing compiled artifacts that can be mounted directly into the running webui container.

Finally, add the following to values.yaml and run make again:

    webui: []
    # Enable auto-reload of Python when source changes
    - name: DEBUG
      value: "true"

  # Mount source code into respective containers
    - mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html/
      name: webuisrc
    - mountPath: /app/
      name: apisrc

  # Point the extraVolumes at your local machine (hostpath only)
    - name: webuisrc
        path: /full/path/to/your/workbench-helm-chart/src/webui/build
    - name: apisrc
        path: /full/path/to/your/workbench-helm-chart/src/apiserver

Now you can modify the webui or apiserver in any way that you see fit, then navigate to https://kubernetes.docker.internal to immediately test your changes.

NOTE: You'll need to re-run make compile after any modifications to the webui.

This will trigger the build step (during which you will get a 500 error) that will refresh the files in src/webui/build.

Cleaning Up

To delete all of the associated cluster volumes:

$ make clean

NOTE: this will delete your Keycloak Realm and/or MongoDB database and all user data

(OPTIONAL) Last step is to delete the namespace that was created by the helm install step:

$ make clean_all

NOTE: if you're using cert-manager, backup any necessary secrets to avoid being ratelimited by the LetsEncrypt API


  • wait-for startup ordering for keycloak <- oauth2-proxy + apiserver (OIDC discovery)
  • source chart somewhere.. NCSA Harbor? github pages?
  • Verbose configuration documentation
  • Adjust webui to speak _oauth2_proxy instead of / addition in speaking keycloak for OIDC
  • MongoDB replication
  • Git release workflows? CI? Github Actions?