This is a budget app that will be based on TALL.
- A user will be able to create a Vertical, i.e. home, business "ABC", so you will be able to manage both your business and personal financing.
- In each Vertical you will manage its:
- Accounts (Bank accounts, Credit Cards etc.)
- Expense Categories
- Expenses
- Incomes
- Debt
- Investments
- Budget
- One user will be able to create or manage multiple Verticals, and each Vertical will be managed by one or more users.
- We will use multi-tenancy in order to support multiple users in the same application.
- We will use Tenants as Verticals in codebase (we alias Tenants to Verticals in order to be understood by users easily)
- Expenses UI improvements + CRUD - Priority 2
- Categories UI Improvements + CRUD - Priority 2
- Change create expense form ui
- First select category then show subcategories
- remove radios and add colors
- Add balances to Accounts, the logic and the service to do the calculations
- Connect with Banks API to sync transactions (for a specific account)
- Add transaction mapping
- Add alerts when updating DB Priority 3
- Accounts: show (probably list history of expenses and incomes) Priority 3
- Accounts: delete Priority 5
- Tenants: delete Priority 5
- Income Sources in a separate table Priority 6
Supports both desktop and mobile