Hi! The state of this code does not reflect how I code at the moment. I'm always improving my knowledge and old repos may reflect old/wrong behavior of coding.
LiftMaps was a fullstack project developed from the ground by me. The idea was to be a real time map that would show small business that were affected by COVID-19 but that still working in some way. See it online at: https://liftmaps.com
Use npm i
inside client and server folder.
Use npm i
in the root folder and type npm run dev
Don't forget to edit and use .envexample
The project was made using React, NodeJS, Firebash for auth and Material UI. You can watch this video in PT-BR to know what motivated me and more details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zruf0qvARNI&t=2s
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
A few files were written on the rush to release this project faster(it took me 2 ~ 3 weeks) since COVID-19 were hurting so much small brazilian business so feel free to suggest something.
You are free to use the code present in this repo.
For more information, contact me at [email protected]