- CaptureView - creates a PDF or UIImage screenshot from a UIView.
- DelimitedFile - creates an array of user defined objects from a delimited file.
- EmailController - a simple way to send email from a UIViewController.
- NSArray+Primitive - a convenient way to use NSArray with primitive types.
- ShareController - a simple way to share items via Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, Message, Mail, Print, Copy to Pasteboard, Assign to Contacts, and Save to Camera Roll.
Note: This implementation uses the CPU not GPU, and assumes the scale of the screen.
NSData* pdfData = [CaptureView viewToPdf:self.view]; UIImage* screenshotImage = [CaptureView viewToImage:self.view];
See ViewController.m in sample project for examples.
Example: Creates an array of user defined objects populated with a tab separated file. In this example, objects of type Band are created from file "data.tsv":
NSArray* bands = [DelimitedFile load:@"data.tsv" toClass:[Band class] delimeter:kTabDelimeter];
@interface Band : NSObject<DelimitedFileDelegate> @property(nonatomic, assign)int uid; @property(nonatomic, strong)NSString* name; @property(nonatomic, strong)NSArray* members;
-(void)fromValues:(NSArray*)tsv {
self.uid = [[tsv objectAtIndex:0] intValue];
self.name = [tsv objectAtIndex:1];
self.members = [[tsv objectAtIndex:2] componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
1 Crazy Horse Billy,Pancho,Ralph,Neil,Danny 2 The Band Rick,Levon,Garth,Richard,Robbie,Jim,Stan,Randy,Richard Full implementation in sample project. Similarly, you can do the same with any delimiter e.g. comma separated (CSV) files (see sample project).
- Is there a real world case for using a NSCharacterSet instead of a char delimiter?
- Should fromValues return a BOOL allowing filtering of some objects from the array?
Note: Requires MessageUI.framework
Example 1: The snippet below displays Apple's mail composer
emailController = [[EmailController alloc] init]; [emailController sendEmail:self];
Example 2: The snippet below emails a screenshot of the current UIViewController with an HTML body.
emailController = [[EmailController alloc] init]; emailController.attachmentName = @"screenshot.png"; emailController.subject = @"Image example"; emailController.isHTML = YES; emailController.body = @"Enclosed is an <b>image</b>."; UIImage* screenshotImage = [CaptureView viewToImage:self.view]; [emailController attachImage:screenshotImage]; [emailController addRecipient:@"[email protected]"]; [emailController sendEmail:self];
See ViewController.m in sample project for examples. The reference to emailController must be retained for the life span of the email composer.
Optional Properties
NSData* attachment NSData to be attached to email. NSMutableArray* recipients Array of recipients, instantiated in init. NSString* subject Text to appear as email's subject. NSString* body The default body of the email. This value can be changed by user. NSString* mimeType The attachment mime type. NSString* attachmentName The name of the attachment, this is visible to the user. BOOL isHTML Defaults to YES. Treat body as HTML. BOOL logResult Send log info to console.
#import "NSArray+Primitive.h"
before using.- These arrays support serialization via
. - Current support for
but very easy to extend to any type (see NSNumber).
Example 1: Creating a char NSArray.
NSMutableArray* charArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) {
[charArray addChar:c];
Example 2: Inserting and replacing a char NSArray.
NSLog(@"%c", [charArray charAtIndex:13]); // prints 'n'
NSMutableArray* charArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) {
[charArray addChar:c];
[charArray insertChar:'3' atIndex:3];
[charArray replaceCharAtIndex:13 withChar:'N'];
NSLog(@"%c", [charArray charAtIndex:0]); // prints a
NSLog(@"%c", [charArray charAtIndex:3]); // prints 3
NSLog(@"%c", [charArray charAtIndex:13]); // prints N
Example 1: The snippet below displays an image via Apple's share panel.
NSArray* items = @[@"ShareController example", [UIImage imageNamed:@"crazyHorse.png"]]; [ShareController showFromParent:self items:items];
Example 2: The snippet below displays an image via Apple's share panel excluding the 'Copy To Pasteboard' service. It also demonstrates using a callback.
NSArray* items = @[@"ShareController example", [UIImage imageNamed:@"theBand.jpg"]]; NSArray* excludes = @[UIActivityTypeCopyToPasteboard]; [ShareController showFromParent:self items:items excludes:excludes callback:^(NSString* activityType, BOOL performedService) { if(activityType == nil) { NSLog(@"%@", @"Share panel was dismissed by user."); } else { NSLog(@"%@ was %@.", activityType, performedService ? @"performed" : @"cancelled"); } }];