Metropolitan merger simulation with Leaflet choropleth map framework for On The Line project (
- add reset button to clear selected polygons (remove and readd geoJson layer? or just refresh browser?)
- can click event listener be modified to toggle? Turn off selected polygons that have already been turned on?
- find way to present infowindow data as a table or grid
- add link to data source
- start a second version: a School District merger tool, possibly with CT only data layer, or EdBuild national data layer?
Begin with Leaflet choropleth tutorial at
Create simplified geoJson layer of Connecticut town boundaries
- Download town boundaries shapefile from UConn MAGIC
- Simplify the polygon shapes to reduce size in geoJson format with this general approach
- Use MapShaper web tool ( to reduce size without changing too much detail. In this case, I reduced Connecticut boundaries down to 1.5%, around 100k.
- Export "shapefile - polygons", then copy and rename new .shp and .shx files into new folder with original .dbf (to retain data) and original .prj (projection) files
- Join spreadsheet town data to the new simplified polygon shapefile
- in GIS application (such as ArcGIS or QGIS), load the new simplified polygon shapefile and spreadsheet data
- join data to shapefile, then export > save as new shapefile in new layer, and open attributes to delete unneeded columns
- create a new folder with four files (.shp, .shx, .dbf, .prj) and zip folder for next step
- Convert new joined shapefile (simplified boundaries + data) into js format to use in Leaflet map
- Use ogre to ogre web client ( to convert zipped shapefile to geojson
- Copy and paste the geojson output into a new file, and modify into json this way:
- At top of new file, declare contents as a variable by adding this text:
var data =
- At the bottom of the new file, add a semicolon (;)
- Rename file suffix as .js, place inside local directory, and upload in the Leaflet HTML index template
- See code comments in the Leaflet index.html template
- Thanks to the creator of the Leaflet Interactive Choropleth Map tutorial (
- Thanks to @alvinschang at CT Mirror, since this map borrows functions to display info window data, based on examples such as
- Thanks to @erose for helping me with the JavaScript logic