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Analyze environments.
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nathanntg committed Apr 24, 2015
1 parent e0ca2a9 commit 624ed2c
Showing 1 changed file with 76 additions and 0 deletions.
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions analyze_environ.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
% algorithms to compare
algos = {'rx', 'nswtd', 'mwpcag'};
algos_nice = {'Global RX', 'NSWTD', 'MW-PCAG'};

% scenes to compare
scene_files = {{'beach.jpg', 'beach2.jpg', 'beach3.jpg'}, {'desert.jpg', 'desert2.jpg'}, {'forest.jpg', 'forest2.jpg'}, {'island.jpg', 'island2.jpg'}, {'mountain.jpg', 'mountain2.jpg'}, {'ocean.jpg'}};
scene_nice = {'Beach', 'Desert', 'Forest', 'Arid', 'Mountain', 'Ocean'};

% color spaces to compare
color_space = 'L*a*b';
color_space_idx = 2;

% COLUMNS: environment
% ROWS: color spaces

% for a color space
tbl = zeros(length(scene_files), length(algos));
for i = 1:length(scene_files)
% current scene files
cur_scene_files = scene_files{i};

% make comprehensive target
target = [];
for j = 1:length(cur_scene_files)
% load scene
scene = cur_scene_files{j};
fname = sprintf('output/%s.mat', scene);
S = load(fname);

% append to target
target = [target;];

% for each algorithm
for j = 1:length(algos)
algo = algos{j};

% make comprehensive output
out = [];
for k = 1:length(cur_scene_files)
scene = cur_scene_files{k};
fname = sprintf('output/%s-%d-%s.mat', scene, color_space_idx, algo);

% load
S = load(fname);
f = fieldnames(S);

% out
cur_out = S.(f{1});

out = [out; cur_out(:)];

% calculate AUC
[~, ~, ~, auc] = roc_anomally(target, out);
title(sprintf('%s for %s scenes', algos_nice{j}, scene_nice{i}));
print(gcf, sprintf('roc/%s-%s.png', scene_nice{i}, algo), '-dpng', '-r300');

% close figure window

% store AUC
tbl(i, j) = auc;

% bar plot
b = bar(tbl);
ylim([0.6 1.0]);
xlabel('Color space');
legend(b, algos, 'Location', 'EastOutside');
set(gca, 'XTickLabel', color_spaces);
title('Comparative Performance');
print(gcf, 'bar-environ.png', '-dpng', '-r300');

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