A demo page for testing a wide range of typesetting combos in Capital Framework.
- Grunt: task runner for pulling in assets, linting and concatenating code, etc.
- Bower: Package manager for front-end dependencies.
- Less: CSS pre-processor.
- Capital Framework: User interface pattern-library produced by the CFPB.
NOTE: If you're new to Capital Framework, we encourage you to start here.
npm install -g grunt-cli bower
- Next, install the dependencies and compile the project with:
NOTE: To re-install and rebuild all the site’s assets run
again. See the usage section on updating all the
project dependencies.
If the software is configurable, describe it in detail, either here or in other documentation to which you link.
Each time you fetch from the upstream repository (this repo), run ./setup.sh
This setup script will remove and re-install the project dependencies and
rebuild the site's JavaScript and CSS assets.
To watch for changes in the source code and automatically update the running site, open a terminal and run:
grunt watch
Alternatively, if you don't want to run the full watch task, there are three available sub-tasks:
# Watch & compile CSS only
grunt watch:css
# Watch & compile JS only
grunt watch:js
# Watch & compile CSS & JS only
grunt watch:cssjs
After running ./setup.sh
or compiling with Grunt,
you can view the site in a browser by opening /dist/index.html
Alternatively, you may want to use a local server with something like
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Document any known significant shortcomings with the software.
Instruct users how to get help with this software; this might include links to an issue tracker, wiki, mailing list, etc.
Use the issue tracker to follow the development conversation. If you find a bug not listed in the issue tracker, please file a bug report.
We welcome your feedback and contributions. See the contribution guidelines for more details.
Additionally, you may want to consider contributing to the Capital Framework, which is the front-end pattern library used in this project.
- Projects that inspired you
- Related projects
- Books, papers, talks, or other sources that have meaniginful impact or influence on this project