This library contains a formalization of multivariate polynomials and semi-algebriac sets. For full descriptioon see: "Formal Verification of the Interaction Between Semi-Algebraic Sets and Real Analytic Functions."
Theory Name | Description |
hp_def |
Preliminary definitions for hybrid programs. |
standard_form_poly |
Establish single variate polynomial as list of real numbers, with standard form. |
list_lemmas |
Facts about lists that are needed for subsequent theories. |
perm_props |
Facts about permutations of lists that are needed for subsequent theories. |
map_perm |
Show that permutation lifts through maps. Needed for subsequent theories. |
continuous_ball_props |
Basic properties of continuity, needed for later results related to analytic functions. |
standard_form_mult_poly |
Defines Multivariate Polynomials and their standard form, with properties of standard form. |
arithmetic_MultPoly |
Defines arithmetic operations for Multivariate Polynomials with useful properties. |
eval_MultPoly |
This is defining evaluations of a Multivariate Polynomial with useful properties. |
eval_properties |
Additional properties of evaluation of multi-variate polynomials. These are needed to show the uniqueness of standard form up to full evaluation. |
standard_form_extras |
This is extra properties of standard form, to help show uniqueness. |
dimension_induction |
This theory implements a reduction in dimension of polynomials to a univariate polynomial with multivariate polynomial coefficients. It is used in the proof that standard form is unique. |
standard_form_unique |
Proves that the standard form of a polynomial is unique for all polynomials the evaluation is the same for. |
semi_algebraic |
This is defining evaluations of a Multivariate Polynomial with useful properties. |
analytic_def |
Basic definition and properties of real analytic functions. |
smooth_not_analytic |
This introduces a function that is smooth and not analytic, and shows that it does not interact with an SA set in a `nice' way, like real analytic functions do. |
poly_comp_analytic |
The composition of a real analytic function with a multi-variate polynomial is still real analytic. Also shows the favorable properties of real analytic functions interacting with semi-algebraic sets. |
- Lauren White, NASA, USA
- J Tanner Slagel, NASA, USA
- Aaron Dutle, NASA, USA
- Lauren White, NASA, USA, [email protected]