This is a WordPress engine for Nanobox. This engine is based off of the basic PHP engine, and shares many of the configuration options from it.
- To detect a WordPress app, this engine looks for a directory named
- Generate wp-config.php
composer install
This engine exposes configuration options through the Boxfile, a yaml config file used to provision and configure your app's infrastructure when using Nanobox.
This Readme outlines only the most basic and commonly used settings. For the full list of available configuration options, view the Advanced PHP Configuration options.
# Web Server Settings
webserver: 'apache'
document_root: '/'
# PHP Settings
php_runtime: 'php-5.6'
- curl
- gd
- mbstring
- pdo_mysql
- ioncube_loader
- opcache
php_max_execution_time: 30
php_max_input_time: 30
php_error_reporting: E_ALL
php_display_errors: 'stderr'
php_post_max_size: '8M'
php_upload_max_filesize: '2M'
php_file_uploads: true
# Apache Settings
apache_php_interpreter: fpm
apache_access_log: false
Web Server Settings
PHP Settings
Apache Settings
The following setting is used to select which web server to use in your application.
The following web servers are available:
- apache (default)
- nginx
- builtin (PHP's built-in web server available in 5.4+)
webserver: 'apache'
*Web server specific settings are available in the following sections of the Advanced PHP Configuration doc:
Apache Settings
Nginx Settings
Built-In PHP Web Server Settings
The public root of your web application. For instance, if you like to house your app in /public
for security or organizational purposes, you can specify that here. The default is the /
document_root: '/'
The following settings are typically configured in the php.ini. When using Nanobox, these are configured in the Boxfile.
- php_runtime
- php_extensions
- php_zend_extensions
- php_max_execution_time
- php_max_input_time
- php_error_reporting
- php_display_errors
- php_post_max_size
- php_upload_max_filesize
- php_file_uploads
- php_date_timezone
Specifies which PHP runtime and version to use. The following runtimes are available:
- php-5.3
- php-5.4
- php-5.5
- php-5.6
- php-7.0
php_runtime: 'php-5.6'
Specifies what PHP extensions should be included in your app's environment. To see what PHP extensions are available, view the full list of available PHP extensions.
- curl
- gd
- mbstring
- pdo_mysql
Specifies what Zend extensions should be included in your app's environment. To see what Zend extensions are available, view the Zend Extensions section of the PHP extensions list.
- ioncube_loader
- opcache
Sets the max_execution_time
PHP setting.
php_max_execution_time: 30
Sets the max_input_time
PHP setting.
php_max_input_time: 60
Sets the error_reporting
PHP setting.
php_error_reporting: E_ALL
Sets the display_errors
PHP setting.
php_display_errors: 'stderr'
Sets the post_max_size
PHP setting.
php_post_max_size: '8M'
Sets the upload_max_filesize
PHP setting.
php_upload_max_filesize: '2M'
Sets the file_uploads
PHP setting.
php_file_uploads: true
Sets the date.timezone
PHP setting.
php_date_timezone: 'US/central'
The following settings are used to configure Apache. These only apply when using apache
as your webserver
Specify which PHP interpreter you would like Apache to use.
- fpm (default)
- mod_php
apache_php_interpreter: fpm
Enables or disables the Apache Access log.
apache_access_log: false