This is a Task Manager designed specifically for students to help manage their assignments, classes, and tasks effectively. The project is currently under active development and is not yet complete. Below is an outline of the current progress and planned features.
This project is currently under active development, and many features are not yet fully implemented. I'm working on improving it and adding new functionality. Stay tuned for updates!
- Navigation through login and sign-up screen
- User authentication
- The main screen that contains the summary of tasks
- A time-based todo list that let you add, remove your tasks and make them done
- To manage the assignments and see their details
- Include class info with the ability of adding class
- To see the tag-bases news
- Let you see your info, log out and change your password
There are several files including database, data, server and etc put in backend including the command line user interface specifically for admin to be able to have access to the .txt database...
- This was a quick review over backend because it is not finished yet...
- @nforoutann I'm a Computer Engineering (Computer Science) student at Shahid Beheshti University