#Synopsis This is the working version of our Hangman application. Hangman is a CLI-based game in which a player tries to guess a word by inputting individual letters; if the letters are put in correctly, the user wins. If not, they die. Our particular rendition of it is a Ruby-based application with two classes (a User class, which defines the player’s actions, and a Board class, which defines game rules) and a terminal-based controller, where users play the actual game. #Code Example
def run
board = Board.new
puts "Welcome to Hangman! Please input your name."
user = User.new(gets.chomp)
play(user, board)
if game_over(user, board) == "yes"
#Motivation This was our first class project for the Flatiron School web development course. #Installation You should be able to clone the repo and run it in a Unix terminal. #Tests Currently, Hangman only works with one user, but we’re currently in the middle of adding multi-user support – it’s just a basic app, though, so it shouldn’t make a huge difference one way or another! #Contributors Kjartan Angamaiton, Jessie Nadler, Heather Lim, Ho-Won Cheng