sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
sudo npm install -g bower
cd tetris-sample
npm install
bower install
First you can see the sample in action here.
IE is not supported, don't bother. :)
Of interest is the main code of tetris components @ ./app/scripts/ along with its tests @ ./test/app/
Grunt usemin is great to streamline index.html file generation, specially when you have lots of script files you need to include.
One catch though, is that you don't have much of a power with regards to vendor/3rd party scripts. While it is great to have them all over CDN, it is less than optimal of develop and run tests against them. In ideal world, while in development you need to serve the files from your bower_components and when building for production you get all that replaced with their CDN counterpart.
Here comes, it is a manifest that maps every 3rd party to its cdn and bower_components location.
Couple with a specific Grunt task (take a look at the index task) which does some string replacement to the index.html file to prepare the file for useminPrepare task.
See git hub tag boilerplate
I didn't have time to extend the boilerplate application with coverage support. As the problem with coverage and coffeescript files dictates that one better cover the produced javascript files instead of coffeescript files.
dist/ --> Contains generated file for serving the app
These files should not be edited directly
app/ --> all of the files to be used in production
partials/ --> angular view partials (partial HTML templates)
*.html These files will be compiled using html2js
index.html --> app layout file (the main html template file of the app).
scripts/ --> base directory for app scripts
controllers.js --> application controllers
models.js --> application models
styles/ --> all custom styles
bower_components --> Bower Components
node_modules --> NodeJS modules
test/ --> test source files and libraries
controllers.spec.js --> specs for controllers
models.spec.js --> specs for models
bower.json --> Bower installed components, always make sure
to do bower install xyz --save (or --save-dev) --> grunt configuration file, use grunt --help to
get list of available tasks
package.json --> npm package configuration file, make sure to
do npm install --save or npm install --save-dev --> this file --> This file is used to configure app/index.html
with external and local scripts and styles. Read
its comments for more details