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Python Programming Syllabus tracker


Section 1: Introduction to Python Basics

  • Introduction to the Course

    • Course overview
    • Setting expectations
  • Variables and Printing

    • Basics of variables
    • Printing in Python
    • Calculating the remainder of a division
    • Exercise: Variables and numbers
    • Solution: Variables and numbers
  • Python Strings and Formatting

    • Working with strings
    • String formatting
    • Getting user input
    • Exercise: Communicating with users
    • Solution: Communicating with users
  • Booleans and Comparisons

    • Understanding booleans
    • Logical operators (and and or)
    • Comparisons in Python
    • Exercise: Nearby friends
    • Solution: Nearby friends
  • Lists, Tuples, and Sets

    • Introduction to lists
    • Tuples and sets in Python
    • Advanced set operations
    • Exercise: Working with dictionaries
    • Solution: Working with dictionaries
  • Python Dictionaries

    • Overview of dictionaries
    • Length and sum operations
    • Exercise: Dictionaries
    • Solution: Dictionaries
    • Joining a list
    • Conclusion and Python Fundamentals Cheatsheet

Section 2: Control Flow and Loops in Python

  • If Statements in Python

    • Introduction to conditional statements
    • Handling multiple conditions
    • Exercise: Simple text menu
    • Solution: Simple text menu
  • Loops in Python

    • While loops
    • For loops
    • Break and continue statements
    • List slicing and comprehension
    • Exercise: FizzBuzz
    • Solution: FizzBuzz
  • Advanced Loop Concepts

    • The else keyword with loops
    • Finding prime numbers with loops
    • List comprehension and slicing
    • Functions in Python
    • Introduction to arguments and parameters
    • Return values and default parameters
    • Lambda functions and first-class functions
    • Advanced functions in Python
  • Setting Up Python Environment

    • Installing Python
    • Setting up PyCharm
    • Creating a PyCharm project

Section 3: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python

  • Introduction to OOP with Python

    • Basics of OOP
    • Exercise: Your first Python class
    • Solution: Your first Python class
  • Advanced OOP Concepts

    • More about classes and objects
    • Inheritance and decorators
    • Magic methods in Python
    • Exercise: Magic methods in Python
    • Solution: Magic methods in Python
    • @classmethod and @staticmethod
    • More examples of @classmethod and @staticmethod

Section 4: Handling Errors in Python

  • Intro to Errors in Python

    • Understanding errors
    • Built-in errors in Python
    • Raising and handling errors
    • Exercise: Raising an error
    • Solution: Raising an error
  • Dealing with Python Errors

    • Creating custom errors
    • Handling errors with try-except-finally
    • Debugging with PyCharm
    • Advanced error handling in Python
  • File Operations in Python

    • Working with files
    • Copying files and building a quiz system
    • CSV files and using the csv module
    • JSON files and a CSV to JSON converter
    • Using the with syntax in Python
    • Importing modules and relative imports
    • Exercise: Importing modules
    • Solution: Importing modules

Section 5: Milestone Projects and Advanced Python Concepts

  • Milestone Project 1

    • Overview and implementation
    • Introduction to databases with SQLite
    • Creating a table and inserting data
    • SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE operations
    • Filtering data with WHERE clause
    • Finishing the Milestone Project
  • Typing in Python

    • Understanding type hints
    • Using type hints in Python
  • Generators in Python

    • Introduction to generators
    • Exercise: Prime number generator
    • Solution: Prime number generator
    • Generator classes and iterators
    • Coding a generator class
    • Iterables and functions like filter and map
    • Section review and further exploration
  • Mutability in Python

    • Understanding mutability
    • Argument mutability
    • Default values and argument unpacking
    • Queues and interesting Python collections
    • Exercise: Python collections
    • Solution: Python collections
  • Dates, Times, and Regular Expressions

    • Working with timezones
    • Dates and time in Python
    • Timing code execution
    • Introduction to regular expressions
    • Examples and usage of regex in Python
    • Exercise: Secure file names using regex
    • Solution: Secure file names using regex
    • Introduction to logging in Python
    • Higher-order functions and itertools module

Section 6: Web Scraping with Python

  • HTML Parsing with BeautifulSoup

    • Understanding HTML structure
    • Parsing HTML with BeautifulSoup
    • Structuring parsing programs
    • Scraping a website with Python
  • Milestone Project 2

    • Overview and implementation
    • Storing data in files
    • Using JSON for data storage
    • Extracting data from websites
    • Exercise: Web scraping project
    • Solution: Web scraping project
  • Introduction to APIs and REST

    • Overview of APIs
    • Working with REST APIs
    • Making API requests with requests module
    • Exercise: Working with APIs
    • Solution: Working with APIs
    • Introduction to Web Development with Flask
    • Setting up Flask and creating a basic route

Section 7: Web Development with Flask

  • Flask Basics and Templates

    • Introduction to Flask
    • Setting up a basic Flask app
    • Flask templates and template inheritance
    • Exercise: Flask templates
    • Solution: Flask templates
    • Flask routing and redirecting
    • Serving static files and creating links
    • Using Bootstrap for styling
  • Database Setup and Flask-SQLAlchemy

    • Introduction to databases in web development
    • Setting up Flask-SQLAlchemy
    • Creating models and tables
    • Database relationships
    • Adding records and querying the database
  • Flask Web Forms and User Authentication

    • Introduction to web forms
    • Setting up Flask-WTF
    • Flask form handling and CSRF protection
    • User authentication with Flask-Login
    • Adding user authentication to the Flask app
    • Role-based access control (RBAC)
    • Customizing Flask-Login
    • Logging out and restricting views
  • Adding AJAX to Flask Application

    • Overview of AJAX
    • Adding AJAX to a Flask application
    • Handling JSON data in Flask
    • Incorporating AJAX into Flask web forms
    • Dynamic content loading with AJAX
    • Exercise: Flask web forms with AJAX
    • Solution: Flask web forms with AJAX
  • Deploying Flask Applications

    • Deployment options for Flask
    • Deploying a Flask app on Heroku
    • Containerizing a Flask app with Docker
    • Running Flask app in a container
    • Exercise: Flask app deployment
    • Solution: Flask app deployment
  • Advanced Flask Topics

    • Flask extensions for different functionalities
    • Blueprinting and structuring larger applications
    • Testing Flask applications
    • Test-driven development (TDD)
    • Continuous Integration (CI) with GitHub Actions

Section 8: GUI Development with Tkinter

  • Setting up Tkinter
    • Installing and configuring Tkinter
    • Creating a basic Tkinter application
    • Using labels, fields, and frames
    • Starting a text editor project
    • Adding menus, saving, and opening files

Section 9: Software Testing and Algorithms

  • Introduction to Software Testing

    • Basics of testing functions and classes
    • Testing for errors and multiplication functions
    • Writing tests for classes and external libraries
  • Algorithms and Big-O Notation

    • Overview of algorithms and complexity
    • Binary search and binary trees
    • Traversal and insertion in binary trees
    • Deleting nodes and testing the binary tree

Section 10: Python Libraries and Tools

  • Overview of Python Libraries
    • Introduction to popular Python libraries
    • Using pylint and yapf for code formatting
    • Sending emails with smtplib and Mailgun
    • Creating reusable Mailgun library
    • Overview of IDE setup

Section 11: Course Conclusion

  • Recap and Thank You
    • Summary of the course
    • Thank you for taking the course
    • Further reading and resources


This GitHub repository is for storing Python programming assignments, with clear documentation and organized folder structure for easy access and submission






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