Welcome to our social network n3twork.
Here are some of the most important folders and files in our project:
├── client/
| ├── src/
| | ├── bower_components/
| | | ├── angular/
| | | ├── bootstrap/
| | | └── ... (third party components are here)
| | ├── app/
| | | ├── some folders
| | | ├── and files
| | | ├── containing the
| | | └── whole angular-app
| | |
| | ├── css/
| | ├── less/
| | ├── js/
| | ├── fonts/
| | └── index.html
| |
| ├── dist/ (created by grunt)
| | ├── app/
| | ├── css/
| | ├── js/
| | ├── fonts/
| | └── index.html
| |
| ├── bower.json
| ├── .bowerrc
| ├── Gruntfile.js
| ├── package.json
| └── README.md
├── server/
| ├── bin/ (created by java compiler)
| ├── lib/
| | └── ... (all java dependencies)
| |
| ├── src/
| | ├── classes/
| | └── servlet/
| |
| ├── WebContent
| | ├── WEB-INF/
| | | └── web.xml
| | |
| | └── META-INF/
| |
| ├─ .classpath
| ├─ .project
| └─ README.md
├── n3twork.sublime-project
├── .editorconfig
├── n3twork.class.violet.html
└── README.md
Most of the structure is self-explanatory. And the rest is language and technology-specific. Read the particular documentation if you want to learn more.
There is a README.md in every folder we thought it could be helpful. Read it extremely carefully and follow every step described in there.
Warning: Most instructions were only tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Debian 3.2, Arch (Kernel 3.17) and OS X 10.10.
Thanks to all the people involved in the following:
n3twork is under the MIT license.