Mythmancer, the world, created wholly by my friends, collectively known (by me) as Pottasco. This website, and this domain, is my gift. to them. They can choose to do with it as they wish; I mostly did this for fun to show them how much I was enjoying this setting.
The site's served at
We use the static site generator purajit/YASS, with the default structure.
Assets are stored separately in the mythmancer/ repo to keep deploys artifacts and times small.
# To run the website locally on `localhost:80`
make run-server
# To stop the server
make stop-server
# To regenerate the website if changes were made to non-static files
# Changes will be instantly reflected
make generate-pages-cdn
You will need colima.
If you want to change assets and test it, you will have to clone the assets repo mythmancer/ into the same parent directory as this one. To use locally-available assets, run
make generate-pages-local
You could also use this simply to avoid network requests.
If you're a collaborator, you can easily merge changes by creating a commit locally (git commit -am "gneurshk"
), and running
gh pr create --fill && gh pr merge --auto -r -d
Follow this GHA to track the deploy - we use a custom deploy workflow that saves us 50%+ compared to the default workflow.